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  1. D


    Larry, I checked out that link. He really knows his fish. You're the bomb for helping this kid, and ultimately all of us who've considered buying discus. I like that you didn't pawn that guy's hard work off as your look like a brainiac. Like you, I always provide any helpful links when...
  2. D

    Some pics of my 220 Gallon

    :lol: I called them and told them what you'd said, so my uncle used an upright deep freeze filled with meat)he's an avid hunter) vs a fully loaded aguarium as an example for weight proportion and distribution. I think she's finally convinced. He wants a big tank so badly, so I hope she is...
  3. D

    Some pics of my 220 Gallon

    Forgive my nosiness seahunter, but do you live in a mobile home? If so, did you have to do anything special to the floors to support such a large aquarium? I only ask because your picture looks like my aunt's double wide. They(aunt&uncle) have been discussing whether or not they could get a 125...
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    Painted backgrounds

    THANKS GUYS! I just don't want to do anything that might stress out my fish. I've always painted the back of my tank, but this is the first time I've considered painting one of the sides too.
  5. D

    Painted backgrounds

    I have a 75 gallon tank and want to paint the back and one side a dark blue color(the outside of course). A friend told me I can't paint both the back and only the one side because this would create a hall of mirrors effect with the lighting.....ultimately stressing the fish. Is this true...