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  1. P

    Awesome fish!

  2. P

    mmm lunch

    Exactly! I esspecially like the part where you call yourself stupid...
  3. P

    mmm lunch

    Oh, GROSS! :sick: Did you have to go and take a picture of fish eating another fish? :grr: Oh and BlueIce, simmer down, Zaphan was worried about your fish. :grr: So am I. :grr: And, just my oppinion but that was really stupid of you to let your fish eat another one of your fish... :grr:
  4. P

    How to transport fish home...

    On tuesday of this week I'll be getting my Web burr puffer and Dwarf lionfish for my new marine set-up. The 'not-so LFS' where I'll be getting my new fish is an hour away from me. I was wondering how I would be able to transport the fish... 1- without loosing oxygen in the bag and water. 2-...
  5. P

    Members registered since December the 28th

    I'll keep my out for them, great idea, CFC. Joe
  6. P

    Members registered since December the 28th

    Freshmike will be back. I'm back here because smb and AN are gone. I had requested that my membership be cancelled, and now that they are gone, I'm back. I had some issues with them... :grr:
  7. P

    Yay, TFF is back up and running!!!!

    Very nice to see you all again!
  8. P

    Members registered since December the 28th

    Aquanut did things that were not tolerated by William or the other mods. She wasn't nice to people including William. It's a long story, but William had every right to kick Aquanut, after all, shes to blame also for the loss of things on the boards, not William's. I lost 120 posts on my...
  9. P

    Members registered since December the 28th

    Thanks, William for everything you've done for us. Your a great person and Admin. I'm sorry for what smb did to you. I knew it would be coming soon, it was getting out of hand. But know we get to start knew, with a great squad of mods and admins! Thanks! Joe
  10. P

    Some pics of my 220 Gallon

    Sea Hunter! Thats an awsome porcupine puffer you've got there!!!! Love it! :wub: How big is he? Joe
  11. P

    Some pics of my 220 Gallon

    STUNNING TANK!!!!! FOTM for the regal tang. And TOTM for the tank!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: P.S. What Kind of Puffer do You have?
  12. P

    How much did you spend on you marine setup?

    Oh! Have fun with your octopus!!! My Friend has one in a 75 gallon tank and that things a riot! :kira: It's probably not so funny for my friend, though. He has to live with the octopus in his house! It finds anyway to get out of that tank! He climbs through the smallest of holes in the...
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    Accually, when you set up your 55 gallon tank the 'foul' smell will decrease because a bigger tank can maintain itself a lot better than a 3 gallon. So you won't have the problem after you switch tanks. Joe
  14. P

    Crabs and Turtles?

    Tutrles are good pets...but they aren't cheap: You need a big tank, like a 40 gallon for one. You need a very powerful filteration system. You need a strong UV light bulb. You need to spen tons of money on good, well ballanced live diet, they just can't like on pellets. You need A place for them...
  15. P


    I agree completely with MANY_A_MOLLY. You need a much bigger tank! GSP's need 5 gallons of water per inch of fish, so your talking at least a 90 gallon tank for all three of them when they're full grown. For now I would say they should at least be in a 30 gallon. Your fish may seem to be...
  16. P

    Jade puffer?

    Petshop Johnny, Usually when you take a puffer out of the water, yes they will puff out. That's why you shouldn't take them out of water ever. Instead, take a clean container, fill it with the tank's water and kind of scoot the puffer into that. When puffers puff up with air they have a very...
  17. P

    Jade puffer?

    Wait, puffernet is very outdated and is very worng in most cases. I'm sorry Many A Molly for second guessing your links. I just had the same problem with puffernet, I thought that my LFS had mislabled one of my Green Spotted Puffers (Tetraodon nigroviridis), and Green (Ceylon) Puffer...
  18. P

    Hey Hey!

    Hey all! Loks like a great site! Can't wait to get started! I'm a Newbie to the forum, but not a newbie to fishkeeping! As you might have guested, I keep many species of puffers. I got my first puffer when I was 15 years old, now I'm 41 and still going at puffer-keeping! I have Green...