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  1. J

    Morning People, Filter Medium Q...

    Snails come in with plants. Once you have them they are hard to get rid of.
  2. J

    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    Well I'm 59 been keeping a community tank for about 3 months now. I have a 16 gal bowfront.
  3. J

    Wheres She Gone?

    Mine went missing for over a month. Thought sure that he was gone. Looked everwhere but could not find him. One evening some movement caught my eye and there he was. Still kind of shy. Only comes out of his cave for a few minuets in the evenings and at night when the lights are off.
  4. J


    I am moving soon. Same building, different apartment. Looking for some hints on moving my tank with thge least amount of trauma to my fish. TRhanks in advance for your good advice.
  5. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    You are right, I need to do more research. I think i'm going to give the shark to a friend who has a 120 gal tank and get a couple of cories.
  6. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    The shark is about 2 1/2 inches and the pleco was 2 inches.
  7. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    It is a type of catfish. Here is a link for them.
  8. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    No bogwood. I do have two ceramic decorations but have checked both and no sign of him. I think maybe Scotty beamed him up. :lol: Thanks, I will try this tonight.
  9. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    About 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Checked the filter and no sign. I'm baffled.
  10. J

    Vanishing Pleco

    Friday I added a Pleco to my community tank. He did fine for two days and then he vanished. I have looked all through the tank and can find no trace of him. I have also checked the floor all around the tank with no results. Where did he go? Tank contains; 5 neon tetras, 2 cherry barbs, 2 glo...