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The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    Help Me Diagnose A Sick Congo Tetra

    Thanks for your interest Eddy
  2. E

    Help Me Diagnose A Sick Congo Tetra

    Sorry just realised its past 1am here - i'll reply in the AM. Thanks for your reply Eddy
  3. E

    Help Me Diagnose A Sick Congo Tetra

    Gills look normal - quite healty and redThe fish isnt rubbing itself insted its just sat a few inch from the surface in one corner.Thanks for your time so far.Eddy Usually every other week but sometimes every week.Usually about the same amount each time ~20%HTHEddy
  4. E

    Help Me Diagnose A Sick Congo Tetra

    It doesnt look fluffy at all - more like the scales have bleached and gone "flacky" - i'm really lost as what is best to do
  5. E

    Help Me Diagnose A Sick Congo Tetra

    Hi,Could anyone help me diagnose a sick Congo tetra.I've recently had to remove a troublesome molly which killed two Rainbows by putting them under massive stress - this little molly was one mean b*gger.Its now be re-homed.But now within 4 days one of my Congo's has lost a lot of its colour and...
  6. IMG_7665.jpg


  7. IMG_7664.jpg


  8. E

    Murderours Molly

    Thanks - I've called my local fish shop and they will take the little killer off my hands. Eddy
  9. E

    Murderours Molly

    This isnt a massive emergency but is is becoming a problem. About 4 months ago a molly in my small tropical tank started attacking other fish - Before i realised what was happening 3 gourami where dead. I promptly moved the offender to a larger tropical tank which contained much larger fish...
  10. E

    Sick Female Dwarf Gourami

    Cheers Wilder, Just for completeness here are the water stats:: p.h 7.0 mg/l nh2/nh4 0 mg/l no3 ~5 mg/l no2 0-0.1 mg/l I'll get some med's tomorrow and start asap. Eddy
  11. E

    Sick Female Dwarf Gourami

    Here is the original picture:: sorry its massive! Eddy Give me 20 mins and i'll get the water quality for you. Eddy
  12. E

    Sick Female Dwarf Gourami

    Its a very sad fish - the scales look like they are peeling off - like a snake shedding its skin. There are no spots or sores. Thanks for your rapid resonse!! any more advice. Eddy
  13. E

    Sick Female Dwarf Gourami

    Hi All, I'm new here but i really need some help!! I noticed that one of my mollies was bullying one of my female dwarf gourami's - after making sure it wasnt a simple spat i seperated them putting the molly in an isolation tank. The gourami got a lot worse and sat at the bottom of my tank...