Search results

  1. P

    Sexing Bolivian Rams

    So i picked up 2 bolivian rams today. The LFS assistant said that they were a male/female pair. But im not so sure. Niether fish has extended caudal and dorsal fins from what i can tell. They also seem to be 'locking lips' alot, and the fish in the 1st pic chases the other fish away...
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    Females Fighting

    IMHO a 15g is big enough to house at least 6 female bettas. As long as there are no other fish in the tank though, except for maybe an algae eater. The only ways to reduce the aggression between the females would be to do what has been said above. Otherwise the 2 most dominate females will...
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    Females Fighting

    Depending on what other fish are in the tank, i would go out and get some more female bettas. The finnage certainly looks to be that of a female. But as said above, make plenty of hiding places for them, lots of plants and 3 more females to spread the aggression out and everyone *should* be...
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    Females Fighting

    You shouldnt keep females with males unless your breeding them. There may be a chance that your female is a male plakat. Any chance of a pic? What size tank are the females in? Its recommended to have *at least* 5 females to spread out the aggression. But if you keep less that that you NEED to...
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    Heater For 1 Gallon Tank?

    Hydor makes a 7watt Heater. Though i've heard it only heats the tank 2 or 3 degrees. Your best bet would be to upgrade the tank and get a 25w heater.
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    Bettas With Ich.

    Not sure they sell that brand in australia. And we dont have wal-mart here either. Tank is a divided 4g. Filtered and heated. Not sure on tank stats. Only have a ph test kit :blush: bad i know. Test kits dont come cheap and my parents think they're a waste of money :angry: Is there any other...
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    Bettas With Ich.

    I was looking at my 2 beautiful bettas today and noticed that both of them have got white spots on them. Im assuming this is ich as they look like tiny grains of salt and look much like pictures i have seen of fish with ich. They are currently housed in a divided 4 gallon that is heated and...
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    New Betta

    lol its ok. I didnt get offended. Just kinda shocked i guess. I am strongly against dying fish though. When i saw him in the shop i remebered that i had seen some posted somewhere else and that they were dalmation bettas? Anyway, he flared before so i was able to see his fins properly. He has...
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    New Betta

    I highly doubt this fish has been died :blink: . My camera is out of action at the moment. I'll try and find a similar pic on the net somewhere. Okies i found some pics. My betta is very similar in colour and has the same colour spots as the bettas in these pics I found the pic of the HM here
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  12. P

    New Betta

    Ugh so i got up thismorning, put the tank light on and the CT had gone to the other side again! My VT was just sitting in the bottom corner again still breathing thank goodness! I dont think there is much more damage to his fins. I think i'll attach a piece of hard plastic to the top of the...
  13. P

    New Betta

    Goodevening everyone (depending where you r ofcourse) :D Ok so i picked up a new male vt betta today. Hes a yellow colour with some red dots on his fins. So i had a bit of an incident this evening after being in his new home for a couple of hours i decided to check on him and to my suprise...
  14. 4_bay_betta_tank.jpg


  15. P

    Dangerously Skinny Platy

    Nope it wasnt red. It was the colour of whatever she had been eating. I know that might sound strange since she was really skinny. But she was eating little bits of flake whenever i fed the other fish. It was just last night that she was refusing to eat. Even if the food was touching her mouth...
  16. P

    Dangerously Skinny Platy

    Sadly she didnt make it. :sad: Eveything looked normal apart her being too skinny. I dont think she had any babies lately. She was still fairly young. Temp in the tank was around 26c. Fish in the tank are 2 male platys and now 2 female platys, also 1 oto. I didnt isolate or quarentine the...
  17. P

    Dangerously Skinny Platy

    So a couple of weeks ago i got 3 female platys from my LFS which i happen to work at. I already had 2 male platys and an oto in my 10 gallon tank which has been set up and running for over 4 years. I decided to restock my tank a couple of months ago. So anyway i picked out some females, one of...
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    Splendens And Veiltails...

    Think of dogs for example. There are like hundreds of different types of dogs and they all come under DOGS however there can be different types. Like i mean there can be long haired dogs and short haired dogs. So Betta is the species and splendens is like a sub catagory. I think thats right??
  19. P

    20g Stocking

    Thanks for the replys. Would getting some floating plants possibly make the cherry barbs feel more comfortable to swim in other areas of the tank? I've read that hey swim all over the tank but mine dont. My females tend to hide alot and when they do come out they get chased by a male. I think...
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    20g Stocking

    I have a 20g tank that has been running for a little over 6 months now. Its currently stocked with 6 cherry barbs (3m, 3f) and 1 albino bristlenose pleco. The cherry barbs tend to stay in the bottom third of the tank as does the pleco so that leaves the middle and top quite bare. I was thinking...
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    Plant I.d

    Hey everyone. So im still kinda new to having real plants. Though i have succesfully been able to grow java fern, anubias and java moss. I tried some wisteria once, but that just turned brown and gross. So a couple of months ago i was at a lfs and saw what was labelled as 'Green Hygro'. I asked...
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    Dwarf Cockatoo Chiclids

    No not really. I did a couple of days work experience first and then a couple of days paid work, but without getting into to much detail, they are most likely going to call me just on the odd occasion, like maybe when someone gets sick, or if they get a big shipment of stock in that needs to be...
  23. P

    Dwarf Cockatoo Chiclids

    Im thinking that you mean malcom and ray from wetpetz at hawkins? If so, i love that place. The people that work there really know there stuff. I plan on getting a pair of bolivian rams from there in the near future. I also get good discounts, basically because i kinda work there, only when...
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    Heating A 1.5 Gallon?

    Hmmm im in Queensland and i was looking for a heater for my betta whos in a 2.5 Gallon tank. Anyway i went to Hawkins (Plant Nursery) as they have a shop called Wetpetz there and they deal only with Aquarium Fish. So i asked what the smallest size heater was and the guy said well we have a 7w...
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    This is the bit im confused with. I have no idea what there gills should look like. They look pretty normal i think. :blink:. I'll try and get some photos of there gills. Well i managed to get some photos of the calico platy. I had to catch him in a net to get them though. These are the...
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    I have a 10g tank that has been running for about 3 years. A couple of weeks ago i restocked it with some fish. These include 2 platys (both male), 2 sparkiling gourami and an oto. I've noticed that both the platys flick themselves off the leaves of my anubias. I've also noticed that the larger...