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    Heavily Pregnant Guppys Flicking

    Just remember b4 you put ur snail back once the guppies are better that you do several large water changes over the upcoming weeks because unlike water, salt does not evaporate out. And since snails cannot tolerate salt it would probably mean the end of the mystery snail if you reintroduce it...
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    White Spots On Molly

    Thanx, I will do that immediately. I usually do quarantine my fish however due to a complication which arose when the molly gave birth i had to move her to the main tank prematurely. Looks like i bought her pregnant and didn't even notice. Maybe its time for me to get a few more tanks :good:
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    White Spots On Molly

    Yesterday i introduced a molly and a siamese flying fox into my established planted tank and the molly today developed whit spot. There are a numerous variety of other fish in there and because its planted i can't use the simple increase temp and put salt in water solution. However, im also...
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    How Long For Diy Co2 To Start Working

    Hi! I also have a DIY Co2 setup running except my ratios for the mixtures are different. For 2 L Bottles I use 2 cups of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of yeast. You dun wanna have too much yeast and only a little sugar cause the mixture will just fail after a while cause the yeast has consumed all the...
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    Parasite On Rainbow Fish?

    Hi! I know this reply is a bit late and all.. but i have something similar to that little white thing on your rainbow growing on my Neon Rainbowfish's mouth. I posted up the problem and i think i got a satisfactory answer. Not sure if it'll help you...
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    Bumble Bee Catfish

    Well i do have a smaller tank... but thats setup temporarily in my room as a quarantine tank and i hate the air pump's constant droning (i got a really crappy pump i picked up from some supermarket) so that would not be an option for me. I initially bought the Bumble Bee it cause it seemed...
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    Mysterious White Thing Under Fish Mouth

    They are currently in a 25L quarantine tank
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    Mysterious White Thing Under Fish Mouth

    Would aquarium salt work for this treatment then? I might have to add it when I eventually put then in the main tank- could you possibly state the the dosage rate a bit clearer... im not too good in the maths department :blush:
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    Mysterious White Thing Under Fish Mouth

    Ok cool ill give that a a try but it'll have to wait for a while cause im still treating for white spot. I dun think its cotton disease because the little nodule ain't fluffy at all. It just looks like a white spot. A single one right under the mouth and both in the same position for both fish...
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    Mysterious White Thing Under Fish Mouth

    Hi, i have two Praecox and they were recently infected with white spot which i am still in the middle of treating. However, all the spots seems to have gone except for a strange looking white protruding thing right under both fish's mouths. Hoping for diagnosis without pictures as my camera is...
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    Bumble Bee Catfish

    Thanx for the info. Well i had a small issue with Australian Air Express about my fish order from That resulted in my fish being in transit for about 2 full days and in the end three fish arrived dead. I don't really know who to blame cause AAE kept saying that Daniel (the guy...
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    Bumble Bee Catfish

    Hi i recently purchased one of these Bumble Bee Catfish from here: and i was wondering what else i could feed it beside live blackworms. It is currently in a bare bottom quarantine tank and im hoping to integrate it soon to my main...
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    Would This Help Clear My Green Water?

    Most definitely! I have one of these (well not exact same brand, mine was from AA and only 9W) in my 200 Litre display tank and it is extremely useful. I have it on 24/7 and its been extremely useful in keeping me from ever seeing green water in my tank. One limitation i have found with my one...
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    Anyone Got Opinions On These

    I own a Jebo 838 External Canister Filter which i purchased from China for approximately 40 bux Australian. Cheap as if you ask me but that doesn't reflect its filtration ability. I am extremely happy with my Jebo as it keeps the water clean and is also super quiet. Also since it is so cheap...
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    Need Help With Bristlenose Catfish

    Would this yellow grub disease appear as pin head size dots that are everywhere on the fish and seem to form cysts? I just bought this bristlenose and it is still a baby. I called up my LFS and they recommended Triple Sulfate. I just wanted your opinion and whether it is or is not yellow grub...
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    Need Help With Bristlenose Catfish

    Hi I recently purchased a young Bristlenose Catfish and i just recently noticed whitish yellowish dots along all of its body including its fins. At first i believed it to be part of the catfishs appearances. But i kinda noticed that some of them protude out. I was wondering if it is white spot...