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  1. L

    Stuck With Zebra Danios

    Okay, so I could get some more danios and then some other tough fish that they won't bother, like... ??? (Blue rams I'll look up.) Thanks.
  2. L

    Stuck With Zebra Danios

    Maybe I didn't have enough danios for them to keep each other occupied.
  3. L

    Stuck With Zebra Danios

    Ironically, my tank is in my office, and I'm a criminal defense lawyer. So I hate to condemn fish without evidence, but I have seen aggressive behavior aplenty from the danios. I'm afraid the danios are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I got the danios because I thought they would be a...
  4. L

    Stuck With Zebra Danios

    The person at the chain pet store told me Zebra Danios would be just the thing to add to my platys I had had from the beginning of my tank. I got six of them and they proved to be aggressive. They eventually harried all my platys to death. I'm trying not to be bitter and am wondering where I...