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  1. L

    Shark And Barb Fghting. Plz Help.

    I hava a pair of Odessa barbs(a male and a female). When I first got them The female used to chase the male around and made him hide under plants etc. But now the male is chasing the female and making her hide under plants. I saw some fin damage aswell yesterday. The male wont let the female...
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    Plz Help!lighting

    Any Ideas on how to upgrade a mirabello 60 aquarium. I have a 15 watt Florusent light at the moment. The tank is 60cmx30cmx30cm long. Has anyone got this tank and have upgraded the lighting. I want to grow some plants in the tank. I have co2, fertilizers and everything but the plants arent...
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    How Many Cories Can I Fit In My 60liter Long Tank.

    I have very fine sand substrate. I have the folliong fish at the moment.(They are faily new) a pair of odessa barbs 1 male neon rainbowfish (the female died) a pair of cherry barbs I would like to get some cories. how many more cories could i fit in this tank. Or are cories not compatible with...
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    Play Sand Acceptable?

    I changed my gravel to argos play sand a few days ago. It is pretty hard to clean. The tank will get cloudy until you cant see your fish. Leave it to settle overnight. And you will wake up in the morning to a crystal clear tank.
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    Is Sand Good For Groing Dwarf Hairgrass

    I have some dwarf hairgrass. i planted them on gravel before but they didnt spread out like a carpet like the lfs keeper said. I changed my substrate to sand yesterday so will the hairgrass spread out any better on sand.
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    Kinda Wierd Photo

    I looks like a female endlers livebearer than a female guppy
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    Cory Substrate

    NO offense m8 but your tank Looks better before than what you've got now.
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    Cory Substrate

    Cheers for the advice everyone. I've got java moss, amazon sword, Hairgrass and spiral valis. My amazon has stopped growing completely. I see little leaves coming out of the stem but the dont get bigger than that. By the way does dwarf hairgrass grow better in sand or gravel?
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    Cory Substrate

    Hi. I'm new to fishkeeping and this site. I bought a mirabello 60 aquarium a few moths ago. I made the biggest mistake of buying 4 redtailed sharks(looked so cute and they were so tiny at the store). Neway I returned them all because they kept fighting. I want to keep cories but i have 5 bags of...