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  1. J

    What Fish To Eat Excess Molly Fry?

    That's interesting. Everything I've been told, even from, says they grow fairly quickly to about 5 inches and then growth slows. But yes, they were a mistake purchase, and I thought of returning them, but some respected fishkeepers told me not to fret over it yet as my tank...
  2. J

    What Fish To Eat Excess Molly Fry?

    The pleco is too small and peaceful to do such a thing. And sure, my tank is too small for _adult_ clowns. They grow so slow that I'll have them in this tank for a while yet.
  3. J

    Mollie Fry

    Hey Andy, good stuff. The first time my mollies had babies I felt like I should be smoking cigars with my mates. You sure there's only 4 though? Think you may find more if you look carefully, unless they've been eaten by the adults. With my community tank, usually the first 24 hours the babies...
  4. J

    What Fish To Eat Excess Molly Fry?

    Thanks again theother.... Yeah, I did some reading up about Dwarf Gouramis and thought they'd fit in well. Anyway I ended up buying a male red fire dwarf. They're getting some blues in tomorrow and I hope to pick one of those up as well. He has made himself at home instantly, eating and what...
  5. J

    What Fish To Eat Excess Molly Fry?

    Ok, thanks. Yes, the adults ate a lot of the first litter. From around 25 that I could count the morning after, only 9 survived actually. They're probably about 3/4 inch long now. The tank has plenty of plants for the fry to hide in. I'm really looking for a fish species that would fit in...
  6. J

    What Fish To Eat Excess Molly Fry?

    Hi all. I'm new to the forums and I hope no one takes offense to this topic. Anyway, I have a 39 gal community tank housing a few clown loaches, an otto, a bristlenose pleco, some neons and the over-populating mollies. Don't get me wrong, I love the mollies. But they've just had the second lot...