Search results

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    Discribe That Fish

    Ok i did a search on "Video" for the forum, and i was watching them and i came across this semi-funny Song video, but I'm wondering on what these 2 fish are? they are in the video at 2:56 - 3:03 time stamp. heres the link. Thanks for any info.
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    Lost Fish?

    Obvious and stupid probally, but did you check inside the filters? or are they not hang filters? =x Hope you find your Fishy. and if not, good luck with the ammonia deal.
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    Hi I'm A Newbie To This Site thats a good site, unless you want to keep all your pictures organized, then go with Photobucket. I myself dont agree with PhotoBucket, because its always (or was always havnet used it in over a year) wanting you to resize your pictures and what not. Im more imageshack fan...
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    Penguin Bio-wheel 170

    Well i started up a 10 gal Hospital tank, if you will. I have a Penguin Bio-Wheel 170 Filter that i found, anyone have/use/know this filter? Wondering if it would suffice for a 10 Gal tank.
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    Power Outage

    Today my power went out, and its pretty much the entire city. My electric company doesn't know when it'll be back on. Should i be doing anything for my tank?
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    Ok Guys And Gals

    Ok.. After a few days of browsing, i finally placed an order for a 50 gal tank, not a 100 like I've said before. =) Well, The 50 gal tank we be delivered in a week, so i need to start deciding what to place in it. Im a big fan of the Erpetoichthys calabaricus (ropefish) but don't know much...
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    Fish Not Eating?

    Bump. Please, he's desperate for help.
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    Fish Not Eating?

    Hi Guys, Chris here again. My Friend has a 40 gal tank, with a new purchased Rope Fish, and Peacock eel addition. He said he doesnt think that his Ropefish is eating, because he never sees it eat. But he bought 12 feeder fish, and put them in the tank, which has an Oscar in it. Over night 6...
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    Maybe A Lil Help?

    Ok i know i need to let this die and all, but 1 last question. Well the reason is, i currently live on a second floor and they arent allowing us to have a bigger tank (weight reasons). Now, if i have a 15 gal tank, couldnt i get 2 Oscars that are apporximately 1in to 1.5inch and 2 4-5inch Rope...
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    Maybe A Lil Help?

    Minimum Tank size for 2 Oscars and 2 RopeFish?
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    Maybe A Lil Help?

    Hi everyone, My name is Chris, and i live with my girlfriend named Amanda. We both love fish very much, but only recently could get a tank. So we decided to start out small, and if it worked out, we will go to a 100 gal tank. So i have a few questions. We have a 15 gal tank, With Light, filter...