Search results

  1. Martymcfly

    Green Algea In One Tank, Brown In My Other Tank

    I have a 55 tank that is rather new and there is some brownish algae growing. It gets sun at the end of the day. I have a 5 gallon tank with a betta in it and it has green algae covering leaves like a blanket. What sucker fish eat brown algae and which ones eat the green algae Both tanks are...
  2. Martymcfly

    What Freshwater Fish Is The Best Schooler?

    What community fish are the best schoolers and also attractive.
  3. Martymcfly

    Measurable Ammonia In Freshwater Tank

    The tank has been set up for about 5 weeks, I used the filter from my established tank and some of the water as well as some decor. I used the fungus clear tablets that dye the water blue, this med also works for bacterial infections. We got the tablets at Walmart because it's the only place...
  4. Martymcfly

    Measurable Ammonia In Freshwater Tank

    My fish had ick and I treated the tank, now the ammonia is measurable. I did a 25% water change last night and I'll do another tonight. Is there any product that will reduce ammonia, or should I do a larger water change tonight?
  5. Martymcfly

    How Big Of An Air Pump Do I Need?

    I bought a bubble wand for my tank and my small yet QUIET pump only blows a few bubbles, it's very sad looking. How big of a pump should I buy and what's the quietest and not too expensive brand and model? :blink:
  6. Martymcfly

    How Much Substrate?

    I have a newer 55 gallon tank with 12 fish. I have about 3/4 inch of gravel. I want to add another color gravel because the white gravel is too bright. Can I add another 1/4 inch or so. I don't want too much waste accumulating under the gravel.
  7. Martymcfly

    How Much Substrate?

    So far I have 1 leopard catfish about 1.5 inches and one cory catfish 1.5 inches, not sure if they turn over the gravel.
  8. Martymcfly

    How Much Substrate?

    I have a new 55 gallon tank, with about 3/4 inches of substrate in it. The color is too bright white and I wanted to add some light brown substrate. Would I have to take some out, or would it be ok to add only about 1/4 inch over the exisiting. I just don't want waste to accumulate under the...
  9. Martymcfly

    Feeding Fish

    I think feeding fish twice a day is too much. They say the fish's eye is the size of it's stomach and to feed less rather than more. Fish don't stuff themselves in the wild and they don't eat large amounts of food all at once either. They would eat and eat and eat if you let them, so I don't...
  10. Martymcfly

    Australian Rainbow Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with tetras, I'm interested in the rainbowfish because it is a great schooling fish, but I want to know if they will dominate my current fish if I get 5.
  11. Martymcfly

    Danio Schools?

    I am looking to add some danios to my 55 gallon tank (which currently holds 9 tetras, 1 barb, 1 molly and 1 leopard catfish). I want zebra danios, yellow and leopard ones. If I get 2 of each kind will they all school together or do they only school with others the same color? I was planning on...
  12. Martymcfly


    :rolleyes: Hi, I'm new to this site. Not sure how to post yet. I have a new 55 gallon tank with about 12 small community fish in so far, trying to get them to school.