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  1. R

    figure-8 puffer

    thanks for the comments! not sure of the puffers sex....apparently no one knows how to distinguish them.
  2. R

    Good pictures of my tanks

    teelie, Nice Tank! and also...what kind of dog is that in your avatar?
  3. fig8puffer7.jpg


  4. fig8puffer6.jpg


  5. R

    figure-8 puffer

    figure-8 puffer:
  6. fig8puffer5.jpg


  7. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    Thank you both, I am actually converting the 10 gallon to an 18 tall pretty soon...Same base dimensions 10" by 20". I will leave the ornament and plants the same and post some more pics once it is setup.
  8. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    tetra and gourami
  9. tetragourami.jpg


  10. tetra_1.jpg


  11. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    glowlight tetra, south american puffer in background
  12. SApuff_tetra.jpg


  13. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    10g brackish tank
  14. 10gtank.jpg


  15. goby.jpg


  16. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    fig8 and knight goby
  17. fig8_goby.jpg


  18. fig8_2.jpg


  19. R

    tank updates 5g and 10g

    Here are some recent pics from my 5 gallon and 10 gallon brackish. Let me know what you think.
  20. fig8_1.jpg


  21. R

    Newest kids

    amazing fish!
  22. R

    how much better is a cannister than a power filter

    Thank you both for your advice, I will let you know how my tank ends up.
  23. R

    SA Puffer's

    I use a brine shrimp net, but the frozen bloodworms in it, then run hot water over if. I then carry it to the tank and dump it in, I think this is the easiest way to do it. They may not eat the first few days, that is normal. I hope you enjoy your dwarfs, I wouldn't worry about just 2 of...
  24. R

    how much better is a cannister than a power filter

    Thanks for the quick response.... I really shouldn't monitor these forums so closely while I'm at work, guess I am just addicted to my hobby. I see you have a nice little webpage setup about cichlids, I will have to give it a read. I was thinking about cichlids, but I am also really into...
  25. R

    how much better is a cannister than a power filter

    Thank you for your comments. I am not sure if I am going cichlids still, but I will probably get the cannister filter. Here is a link to where I am buying it from: Eheim 2213 It says it includes double tap valves?? are those for closing the water tubes off that go into the tank when you mess...
  26. R

    SA Puffer's

    I am driving my fiance nuts as well....I know the feeling. I have 2 tanks already, and now I want a third in our apartment.....just wait until we get a house. In terms of figure-8's, they are slightly more aggressive than SA's, I think you could only have 1 in a 10 or 12 gallon. I have 1 in...
  27. R

    how much better is a cannister than a power filter

    how much better is a cannister than a power filter? I am getting a 29 gallon tank pretty soon and trying to decide between: the eheim 2213 Cannister Filter $70 the pengiun 330 bio-wheel power filter $25 I plan on having cichlids in the tank, maybe 6 or so. Does anyone know why a cannister is...
  28. R

    SA Puffer's

    I wish we had a black and white plain text forum so I could post more freely from work... Anyways, maintaining the brackish isn't that bad at all. Just a matter of adding in the proper amount of Marine Salt (I use instant ocean) every time you change the water. I also check the Specific...
  29. R

    figure-8 puffer, sa puffer, and knight goby

    My Figure-8 and Knight Goby live in the same tank, they are both brackish. The SA lives in my freshwater tank. Other inhabitants of both tanks are listed in my signature. I do plan on taking the other fish besides the SA puffer out of the 5 gallon and letting him live by himself for awhile...
  30. R

    SA Puffer's

    Well.... Not so much bored, more like I really wanted a Figure-8 or GSP in the first place and finally decided I could handle brackish! I didn't know about south american puffers at the time.
  31. knightgoby001.jpg


  32. sapuffer001.jpg

