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  1. bobross

    My Internet Controlled 29 Gallon Tank With Live Webcam.

    Well, regardless of all the doubters, I think it's real. AND a really cool idea. Very innovative man :good: I'm surprised no one has thought of this before. Right on. BobRoss
  2. bobross

    My Internet Controlled 29 Gallon Tank With Live Webcam.

    What happens if someone clicks the 'add water' button a bunch of times? :shifty: BobRoss
  3. bobross

    Leaf Zone

    To chime in & add my two cents... Its the wood that's adding that color to the water. Tannins. I have several pieces & of mopani & they all color up the water a yellowy-brown color within a weeks time. From I've read all over & IME, fish don't mind it whatsoever. You'll probably get a few...
  4. bobross


    I will check the website out shortly. I've been using seachem's flourish excel instead of regular flourish. should I be using both? sorry in advance for hijacking the thread. BobRoss
  5. bobross


    Is this stuff available in the US? TPN + is short for Tropical Plant Nutrition, right? I can't seem to find this stuff. Maybe bigal's or something of the like might. If not, what's something that maybe the US equivalent of it? as far as a all-in-one plant food? BobRoss
  6. bobross

    How To Upgrade Lighting?

    Awesome! If it's not to much to ask, could you maybe post pics of the 'before & after' of the lights? I'm curious to see the difference. Not skeptical, just curious. The crap thing about learning this about T6's is that I just replaced the all the tubes in my tanks. :crazy: BobRoss
  7. bobross

    How To Upgrade Lighting?

    Alright, I think I understand what they are for. Call me stupid, but none of my tanks are directly exposed to water. They are all the same in sense of what hood or top they have. The picture that Mikaila21 posted is exactly what I have on all of mine. They all sit on top of a plastic top and...
  8. bobross

    Simple Flowrate ?

    Spot on, man! :good: Well, I think that somes that up as far as my original questions go. You people have been very helpful. Thanks again. :good: :good: :good: BobRoss
  9. bobross

    How To Upgrade Lighting?

    Awesome! Sorry for being naive here, but can't I just buy one of those & swap it with the normal 18" light bulb? I'm confused what a bushing kit is & what it's for exactly. I'm assuming it's something for t6 bulbs? BobRoss
  10. bobross

    Simple Flowrate ?

    Here's a strange comparison. I bought a powerhead for 55g a while back that did 600gph. It blasted water so hard that my parrots hid in a corner, so I removed it. Well, now I have two externals that combined do around 500gph & they seem fine. Current isn't even issue with them. How does...
  11. bobross

    Simple Flowrate ?

    No worries man :) That's where I always got confused at, was turnover rates. I ask this question because I've almost put together a complete 5g nano and wanted to know about turnover rates a little bit more. This tank is going to be a low-tech setup for shrimp & maybe some other type of...
  12. bobross

    Simple Flowrate ?

    Hello everyone, I've been really creeping on here watching the planted tank section between this site & a couple other ones. Anyways, all I've been seeing is these tanks with crazy turnover rates for such small tanks. I understand the importance of a high turnover rate in planted tanks. But...
  13. bobross

    How To Upgrade Lighting?

    After reading that, I thought what a suggestion! So I went to and started looking for t6's since All my of my tanks have T8's on them. betta_246, where can you find a T6 bi-pin bulb? These are the only ones I could find and google wasn't much help either. I'm the same...
  14. bobross

    Ebay External Filter Came Today!

    I guess one of the aspects of this hobby that interests me, besides the obvious, is trying out & experimenting with all the gear. Now I don't have a pile of money to blow on this stuff so I 'experiment' within in my means. Sorry, I should've said that instead of going on a pointless rant in my...
  15. bobross

    Ebay External Filter Came Today!

    I'd like to say that the design is very much the same as a tetratec(marineland) and that parts look like they would work going from 'pictures.' Like I said earlier, the filter has been running just as good now as it was the day I got it a year ago. That doesn't mean its as superb as a name...
  16. bobross

    Coralife Canister Filters

    I hate to bring up an old topic, especially my own, but I thought I would give it another try. Over the past year, I've had this filter up & running on my 30g tall. I recently took the tank when I moved, and this filter has sat empty since. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I can't find...
  17. bobross

    Ebay External Filter Came Today!

    I was gonna say something about the taps on it but since my experience with canisters is limited, I wasn't sure if it were an issue or not. You're right about being careful with them, I can see how someone could break one under the assumption that they're tough, because they look tougher in a...
  18. bobross

    Ebay External Filter Came Today!

    I have that exact same filter as the OP. Had it for about a year now & everything seems to be just as fine as the day I got it. A surface skimmer is included(optional) but I quit using it after realizing my syphon broke every time I did a water change. Good filter, for sure. It was worth the...
  19. bobross

    What Pump Do I Need For My Return From My Sump Like Lph

    got any pics of this awesome sounding tank? BobRoss
  20. bobross

    My Planted 29Gal

    Yep, I like it too. That will look really cool once it fills out. :good: I really like that betta too. :drool: Definitly update this as it grows out. BobRoss
  21. bobross

    Spray Bars

    Go to google, under the images, and type diy spraybar. It pulls up a whole bunch. :hyper: BobRoss
  22. bobross

    Need A Kribensis Tankmate

    Personally, if you have a true breeding pair of kribs, I wouldn't have anything else in there, IMO. I think in the long run, any gourami would get picked on. All of the gouramis I've had didn't stay at the top. They explored the tank. Also, 17.6 gallons is way too small for a shoal of danios...
  23. bobross

    Alasse'S 4Ft

    Fantastic! That looks like a really well thought out design, I like it a lot. What sort of filtration you running on that? BobRoss
  24. bobross

    My New 1g Project

    I had one of these little tanks a while back and although the tank was given to a friend, I had a solution for filtering it. I just cut out a section of the hood and so a basket filter could hang on the side. The filter I used was an aqua-tech 5-15. It was too much for my betta so I cut the...
  25. bobross

    Eheim Pro 3 2080

    If I remember right, I think he got the filters with the tank when he bought it. Maybe not though. BobRoss
  26. bobross

    My Discus Fish Here

    Very Impressive! :drool: :drool: :good: It's nice to hear some massive attack in a youtube video, too. Welcome to TFF!! BobRoss
  27. bobross

    Hydor External Heaters I'm trying not to argue about this, I just can't wrap my head around the difference between location of the heater if it's an option offered for both inlet & outlet. Whether Rena or Hydor(I'm sure there are other options) it has to...
  28. bobross

    Hydor External Heaters

    That makes sense, I guess. It's funny you say that. That was the same reason that I haven't bought one of Rena's external heaters. If I understood them right, you could use them alone in the tank or you could replace your inlet pipe of a Rena Smartfilter or an xp series filter with it. I...
  29. bobross

    55 Gallon Filter

    Whatever filter you decide on, why don't you keep the whisper running with it? BobRoss
  30. bobross

    Hydor External Heaters

    Why can't you put one heater on the inlet and one on the outlet of one filter? Then put the remaining heater on the outlet of the other filter? I've never used external heaters so I have no experience with them. But if they sense temperature and turn on and off like an internal 'normal'...
  31. bobross

    Penang Eruption Discus

    I'm very impressed, downright jealous, actually. :drool: :drool: Those are really beautiful fish. I suppose you have one heck of a cleaning regimen to keep them looking that nice. Any fts? BobRoss
  32. bobross

    creepin in the fishforums shadows, as usual....

    creepin in the fishforums shadows, as usual....
  33. bobross

    My Planted 240l

    That's understandable then. I can't wait to see what new setup of yours is gonna look like, because the 240L was f'in awesome!! BobRoss
  34. bobross

    Treated For Ick Now I Have To Do 50% Water Change

    When doing the water change, use the recommended amount of dechlorinator for the amount of water you're adding back into the tank. Using more than recommended isn't gonna hurt, either. BobRoss
  35. bobross

    My Planted 240l

    That's definitely class-looking there :good: Underwater video looked really cool too. Why can't you set it back up once your moved in to the new place? BobRoss
  36. bobross

    How To Properly Bag Fish?

    I should pass this topic along to my LFS. It seems 9 out of the 10 bags they do end up having a pinhole in them by the time I get out of the store. It's as if they tie them waaaayy too tight. Unless they are doing it on purpose :crazy: They don't tie their bags either. They use really small...
  37. bobross

    Highly Confused

    Yep, me too. Heaters are as far down as they can be without being in the way or touching gravel. I change water down to the top of the intake stainer. The only time I unplug heaters/filters/lights is if I need to work on them or replace them. It's been working just fine for me for two...
  38. bobross

    My 55 Gallon Aquarium

    Cool looking tank :good: You should be able to sex that gourami fairly easily by looking at it's dorsal fin. The males will be 'pointy' while the female's is more rounded at the end of it, if that makes sense. I'm not trying to diss the picture quality, since my pics are worse than...
  39. bobross

    Will U Post Pics Of Your Shrimp Tanks & Shrimp

    Hey, what type of shrimp are those? I had a pair in my 10g for about a year then they just up and died one weekend when I was away. I never found out what the actual name of them was. My LFS sold them to as a whisker shrimp? BobRoss
  40. bobross

    Severum Quit Eating?

    Well, I stumbled onto some 5g metro on ebay last night after posting thiis for the same price as bigals. Hopefully it should be here within a week. I didn't even think of checking Big Al's until after I read your post after work today. I didn't get around to my storage unit today, so the...