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  1. G

    Whats Wrong

    i have no clue what is wrong with my tank i had two oscars that died because of high amoniea and nitrites prob because he fish were not eating the food i put in anyways since then i have added all new water and set up the tank usinbg guidlines from this site and it has been a week and the...
  2. G


    i set the tank up in early december and let it cycle......... then around late feb. i did a little water change because i thought i was gonna add fish but then cuz of work and school and stuff like that i didnt buy any fish......... the recent fish that died were the ones i bught recently they...
  3. G


    to answer some of your questions i use a 40 gallon top fin filter and another 50 top fin filter thats all i know bout the filters it had cycled since early december and i never did a water change because my fish died within five days of me putting them in there since the deaths i have empyied...
  4. G


    see this is what i dont like bout these forums everyone chimes in when they dont know what they r talking bout my oscars were in a 75 intil my 125 cycles completely then they go in there and my gf works at my lps and these two oscars were in the same tank since they first got to the lps store so...
  5. G


    the nitrate was prob fine it was ok not great but the nitrite was at a 3.0 maybe even a 5.0 on my chart 3.0 is stress and 5.0 is danger so the nitrite is prob what killed them and yes gator i was the one who posted asking if it was normal if the oscars sulked like that so how do i solve my...
  6. G


    i posted here a few days ago saying my oscar was sulking well it has been a week and i bought him a friend and they got along great but they still both kind of didnt act right they ate only when the food sunk to the bottom they were not getting bullied cuz they were the only two fish in my 75...
  7. G


    alright thank you ill try that he was out today so i tried to feed but he wont eat cuz the food doesnt sink to the bottom and he is scared to come to the top should i get sinking food??? or let him at a feeder fish or should i just wait
  8. G


    thanks i know itis common i was just wonering how long it would be thanks......he has only been in the tank a little less than 24 hours so i should keep the lights off for how long and it is really dark in the room does that matter???
  9. G


    i just got a new oscar and of coarse he is sulking and stays hidden most of the time, my question is how long does this phase last????
  10. G

    Euro Tanks

    any other thoughts
  11. G

    Euro Tanks

    i have a 46 euro gallon tank............... what is the diff. between a 46 gallon euro and a 46 gallon us gallon tank
  12. G

    Oscar Tank Mates

  13. G

    Pleco And Pictus Catfish

    i currently have one pleco bout 6 inches if i add a few pictus catfish will they harm my pleco???
  14. G

    Oscar Tank Mates

    3ft x 25" x 25"
  15. G

    Oscar Tank Mates

    my uncle has many oscars and breeds them and he says that a 60-65 gallon is plenty big enough for one oscar and a couple other tankmates
  16. G

    Oscar Tank Mates

    Sorry i did not mean two oscars im thinking bout one oscar and 2 pictus catfish and one pleco are these fine tankmates and what other fish could i add the tank was free some im not sure how many gallons but it is close to 65
  17. G

    Oscar Tank Mates

    im starting a new tank and im getting two ocars but im not sure what other tank mates to get i was thinking maybe a pleco and some pictus catfish would these fish be good together if not what other fish are good with oscars???