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  1. S

    Arrggggg! Could It Be Worms?

    I have a pleco, 2 tetra's, 2 black catfish, 1 clown loach, 2 danios, 2 zebra danios. The rubbernose babies are in a seperate tank as are the shrimps. They are in salt now and slowly getting better. I'm just wondering if it will shock them to take them out of salt and put them in fresh water -...
  2. S

    Arrggggg! Could It Be Worms?

    I don't have a picture of the worms - I took the tank apart and scrubbed it all down, cleaned and boiled the rocks. I plan on re boiling all the bog log tonight and re filling the tank. Some of the peices of wood are too big to boil - we soaked them in super hot water in the tub (Is this ok?)...
  3. S

    Arrggggg! Could It Be Worms?

    I feed them frozen blood worms - never live ones. I can't see any sign of worms on the fish I have now but they were the ones that didn't get really sick and they are doing better. The fuzz just looked like there outer skin was coming off not real fuzzy - I thought they had velvet or...
  4. S

    Arrggggg! Could It Be Worms?

    OK so I'll try not to ramble on to long. A week ago my fish got really sick and started dying off. The tank is 150 gallons and the water tested fine. Ammonia 0, ph 6.8, nitrite 0 and nitrate 10-2- ppm. I do weekly water changes and feed my fish a vareity of dry and frozen food and veggies...
  5. S

    How Many Fish Can I Have?

    Just be careful - The 1 inch per gallon only works for little fish and always go by there full grown size - not the size they are currently. Ex. 10 - 1 inch fish in a 10 gallon would be ok but 2 - 5 inch fish in a 10 gallon wouldn't work.
  6. S

    How Many Clown Loaches/ Bala Sharks?

    I have 6 clown loaches and 6 bala sharks and am trying to figure out my stocking - I know I'm over stocked - but at the moment the are all babies with plenty of room. I'm trying to decide future stocking however. I currently have them in a 150 gallon tank (2 foot wide tank) . I plan on...
  7. S

    My Tanks

    Yeah - I realize I need a bigger back up tank :) I actually had it mainly cause i added a betta fish to the tank and wasn't sure if he would get along with everyone - he gets along fine with them though. I wasn't really thinking - but yeah I'll have to get a bigger back up. I didn't do enough...
  8. S

    My Tanks

    I have a 150 gallon tank with fish and then a 5 gallon empty tank incase someone needs a time out :) I have a 50 gallon tank but its for turtles. I'm planning on one more tank - because as my fish grow my tank will be overstock - or I will find homes for them as the get bigger. I've just...
  9. S

    Hi There!

    Just wanted to say hi - just joined.