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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    hopefully good news...

    im just finishing off cycling so i dont have a algae eater yet. any hints in what i should look for in terms of an algae eater? the tank is 33 gallon so a reasonable size should b taken into consideratoin :) are corydora melini algae eaters? if so i could possibly get 2 of these :D tazz
  2. T

    hopefully good news...

    just tested the nitrAte lvls... im getting 5mg/L <- can anyone advise me if this is good plz? edit* oh and the ammonia and nitrite lvls are both zero :D thanks tazz
  3. T

    hopefully good news...

    well just thought id post - i htink my cycle is finally coming to an end, i tested my water today and my nitrites had dropped from 1.6 to 0.6. and ammonia is zero. just a question... when should i perform a water change? when should i clean the filters? when should i vaccuum the gravel with...
  4. T

    cleaning a magnetic algae cleaner...

    i just bought a magnetic algae cleaner - once u use it, what do u clean it in? and will i ever have to replace the pad thats on the magnet?? thanks tazz
  5. T

    need some info on the following fish...

    hey im still waiting for my tank to cycle.... :/ just wanna find out a little more about these fish : corydora melini red tail black shark thanks tazz
  6. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    did a 10 % water change - the ammonia decreased but nitrites stayed the same... so i guess im gunna do another water change and re-test Wednesday 4 Dec (after a 10% water change) ammonia: 0.6 nitrite: 1.6 tazz (next water change and test pending)
  7. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Wednesday 4 Dec ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 1.6 <--- is this too high? how does one lower nitrite? water change? tazz
  8. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Sunday 1 Dec (did a 10% water change today) ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 tazz (sorry wasnt in all day yesterday - but when i checked the lvls today - ammonia was 2.4, and nitrite was 0.3 so i did a water change - waited a few then checked again)
  9. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Friday 29 Nov ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 tazz
  10. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Thursday 28 Nov ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 tazz
  11. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    unfortunately the offer ends tommorrow heh.. but havnig said that - they will prolly have some others on special for the following 2 wks... so il have to head down to chek out what they have this time =) tazz
  12. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Wednesday 27 Nov Did a 10% water change today - and added treated water (added the water treatment in the bucket of water b4 i added the water to the tank) into the tank ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 tazz
  13. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Tuesday 26 Nov ammonia: 2.4 nitrite: 0.3 tazz
  14. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Monday 25 Nov ammonia: 1.2 - 2.4 nitrite: 0.1 tazz
  15. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Sunday 24 Nov ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 pH: 7.6 GH: 100ppm KH: 80ppm tazz
  16. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Saturday 23 Nov ammonia: 1.2 nitrite: 0.1 pH: 7.6 GH: 100ppm KH: 80ppm tazz :ninja:
  17. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Friday 22 nov 2002 ammonia: 0.6 - 1.2 (color was kinda closer to 0.6) nitrite: 0.1 pH: 7.6 GH: 100ppm KH: 80ppm tazz
  18. T


    hi and welcome =) uve found a great board here, ppl here r really hepful, and relatively quick at responding. one time i was gettin replies like in a chat LOL. im new to fish too but its a learning experience, and really fun stuff. hope u get all ur questions answered =) tazz :hyper:
  19. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    hi and welcome kittyuk hope u learnign as much as i am lol. this is my first tank too - im so anxious to put fish in it!!! wait lol i put 7 danios in it to start the cycle. in ur case, ur cycling with fish food, which i read is another way to cycle. if the fishless cycle is working for ya...
  20. T

    Avatar help

    sorry u cant shrink animated gif's cause the picture is made up of a buncha pics. if u resize it, it will only show a still of the first frame =( *edit* - might b able to edit each frame... using something like coffee cup gif creator - check for gif editors or creators tazz
  21. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Thursday 21 Nov ammonia: 0.6 - 1.2 (color was kinda in between the 2 - not on any of them) nitrite: 0.1 pH: 7.6 GH: 100ppm KH: 80ppm tazz
  22. T

    will i have problems....

    i thought mollies need salty water though? would it b safe to add in some salt? how would that effect the otehr fish? tazz
  23. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    heh good =) super pet have some really good deals id love to get in on, they only last 2 weeks though = (3 silver mollies for $3.88 cdn) tazz
  24. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    took readings this morning ammonia: 0.6 nitrite: 0.1 pH: 7.6 GH: 100ppm KH: 80ppm tazz
  25. T

    will i have problems....

    once my tank has cycled, i was thinking of adding silver mollies in my tank, with some clown loaches. currently i have 6 zebra danios, and 1 leopard danio in there. i was wondering if i would get any probs with fin nipping or such if i added these. thanks tazz
  26. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 tazz
  27. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    heh nope... forgot to ask for it at the store... il get something on tuesday - when i have my day off from work ' how much of what do i need? LOL... can i get a sample of water from an established tank and add it in? tazz
  28. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    well took some readings earlier - both ammonia and nitrites still at zero tazz
  29. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    well just bought some zebra danios =) like 6 but the dude at teh store gave me a 7th for free - cause i waited for him =P they zippy lil fish eh =) love em hehe will prolly test the water when i come home from work in about 11 hrs from now... (11pm est) will post all results from those tests...
  30. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    So.... all i do, is add in some cycle, monitor the lvls of ammonia and nitrite and nitrate. once ammonia and nitrite lvls are low, and nitrate is higher, the cycle is complete and i can add fish..? also, i did read about cycling b4, i got a few books out from the library, just want to ask...
  31. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    well reading the lil pamphlet, i was to add 2 capfulls of cycle solution per 10 gallons to a newly developed tank, and repeat after 7 days. hope im doin this right LOL tazz
  32. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    hmm can anyone give me advice on a fishless cycle plz? do i just add the "cycle" solution or what?? tazz
  33. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    i guess so lol... well i just got the tank yesterday, set it u ptoday... havnt really had a chance to get any fish. but from what i read, in order to cycle the tank, once its set up, i run the tests every few days?? heh im all confused now = tazz
  34. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    kewl! okay so when is it safe to add in fish? LOL i read that u should wait like a week or so - after testing... tazz
  35. T

    just set up a new aquarium...

    hi all just managed to set up the33 gallon tank i bought yesterday heh looks awesome =) anyway i added the water treatment to it, and started the water heater/water filter. everything is running fine but when i did the nitrite and ammonia tests, the water in the test tubes didnt even change...
  36. T

    is aeration necessary for cycle period?

    hi all i just got my 33 US gallon aquarium =) hurrah for me =P anyway the kit i got gave me a water filter, water heater, some water supliments such as water conditioner, waste treatment, cycle treatment, flake food. bought some funky white and grey gravel too... my question is, there is no...
  37. T

    White Film in Tank

    im not much of an expert when it comes to fish... but if a film is forming...sounds like some kinda fungus... is there a film forming on the fish? i also read that fin rot is caused by poor water conditions - make sure u have conditioner in the water, and its at the right temperature ~ 26 deg...
  38. T

    laser lights for fish tanks

    i just read in this book i got from the library that changing light effects the fish. and on that web site they have a laser that flashes different colors. not sure with lasers though...cause the color is mostly concentrated where it hits a surface. but if it does effect fish, the changing...
  39. T

    Planning on purchasing an aquarium...

    kewl thanks for the link =) i got a book from the library - about setting up aquariums... has some nice info in it, and shows a selection of fish and their names =D i have a question about feeding. in a large tank, how would you feed all the different species? like just drop in a little of...
  40. T


    dunno if this is a double post... but check the thread that u started called "Im a beginner" sub heading "new fish" i believe there r some suggestions there =) tazz