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  1. L

    oh god i need help

    i watched closely and it looked like the jd's spit it back up but the gouramie didnt i never seen it come out. well thanx um i will look through the forums and try to help people.
  2. L

    When adding cichlids to tank..

    ok i also went through the perid that luvmyfish(srry if i got name wrong) (lol) but my betta was destroyed but my danios are ok cause they are so darn fast. now i plopped the two i had into the tank and they did fine. i recently added a new dempsey and he is goin through the loner stages but...
  3. L

    oh god i need help

    My fish are eating the sand in the tank. what do i do. unless this is normal. the dempseys are eating the sand. what do i do it would be to hard to take the sand out without disrupting there already cycled environment. what do i do. please someone help me.
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    question on pacus

    is it just an inside aqarium fish or could they be put into a pond? also what kind of pond would be good. cause i have that one still and i wanna keep him but no tank i have will fit him. someone help me. please. thanx adios.
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    ok as u all know i had two jack dempseys well a friend of mine had one he couldnt take care of so i took him in and he stays at the back and bottom of the tank. he dont rush to the top to eat he just sits there and eats occasionally off the bottom but he wont interact with the other two...
  6. L

    is it ok 2

    is it ok too feed fish the stuff u pull out of the pumpkin. like the slimy stuff not the seeds but the slimy ####. cause my freind fed his dempseys that stuff. and i was wiondering if i could.
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    Thinking of keeping Cichlids

    most cichlids will destroy the live plants. i have had tons of diff cichlids they all destroyed the plants. they dont mix man
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    Thinking of keeping Cichlids

    i dont like severums. lol but they are ok. barracudas i cant find never had but i think jack dempseys are the best starter cichlids. lol your choice
  9. L

    When adding cichlids to tank..

    do u plan on keeping the betta in there? cause if so it will rpolly get eaten after a while. well i wish u luck
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    best foods to feed your fish

    like 4 a week but be careful with feeders cause if it has a diesease it will spread through your tank. try to feed it flakes. and brine shrimp or shrimp and bread and crap like that.
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    what cat is compatible

    thanx again cm.whre u been man. havnt seen u much in here. well yea mit me up when u get a chance. does your friend in fairfield have any dempseys?
  12. L

    Another new member...

    hello and i hope u have as much fun as i have. i have growen a huge family in the last week. they are all really cool and help me a lot. lol
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    a quick hello =)

    hello tazz. i am in the same boat as u. i am just learning more and more everyday. it really helps me a lot. lol
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    When adding cichlids to tank..

    my friend put four in at once. he put two firemouth and two jack dempseys all in at once and they did ok. but like cichlid master said it depends on all the facts of size and cycled or not. good job larry :)
  15. L

    evil jewel

    hey maggie did u take back that jewel? my friend has a jewel and he killed his pirahana. it was such a mean fish. lol well tell me what happened to your jewel?
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    Starting Clean and $60

    um u will be lucky to keep one oscar in there i think cause they get pretty darn big. good luck my friend has a oscar in his 55 and he says that aint big enough for his. so it depends
  17. L

    best foods to feed your fish

    yea man they really are cool and tey are loyal fish. they go crazy when it is feeding time. they fly from side to side of the tank and try to jump out of the water. yeah get one they are so darn sweet. lol i am tryin lunch meat also. but i give them whole earthworms and they seem to enjoy those...
  18. L

    how hard

    how diffucult is it to take care and maintia n a saltwter tank?
  19. L

    hey i have a ?

    oh no i dont hav e that. all i put in my water when i pour it into the tank is water conditioner d chlor out cause i use my tap water. but my water is yellow. :( well if u guys can tell em what iis i am will be happy. i think :) WILLIAM
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    hey i have a ?

    i dont even know what bogweed is. lol
  21. L

    hey i have a ?

    ok i clean my tank once a week and i syphon it good. and i do a good water change and crap but i am still gettin yellow water. why is this. also yes i scoop out all un eaten food the same day i feed so that aint it. so what u think it is? please help :(
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    darn darn darn. i want one lol this sucks :(
  23. L

    best foods to feed your fish

    they wont eat hot dogs. anymore good ideas mags? well larry maggie everyone what else can i feed these fish. lol well message me when u can ok bye bye. :grr: :-(
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    algea eaters

    ok hey all my local lfs are sold out of algea tablets or wafers what ever u call them. and he wont eat lettuse or anyhting. will he die if i dont give him this stuff. please maggie larry great lakes anyone help me.
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    Nice site

    hello will. welsome to the forum. i hope u have as much fun as i am. hey there are three williams in here that i know if now. me. william and will. he he he cool
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    what is the best tank mates for a jack dempsey

    um between 1 and 2 in i think. i bought them when they were tiny so yea about 1 or 2 inches i think.
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    if i wanted to build a pond

    if i wanted to build one in my back yard what do u think it would cost me. i would love to know
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    i have three cats and lookign for another anyone from ohio that could give me there cat or if thy are having kittens i will take one. lol
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    what would it cost

    what would it cost to build a 55 gallon tank?
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    what is better

    what dimesion tank is best. like reg or hex or what? also what the best lightin u can get for a tank.
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    which is better and safer

    should i put real plants or fake plants with my dempseys? what would be better safer and better looking
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    what is an odd ball

    what is an odd ball and where could i get one/ what they usally cost?
  33. L

    what cat is compatible

    what kind of cat would be ok with my jd's? i would love to stick a cat or two in there.
  34. L

    ok this is about my

    i was wondering it is normal for him to swim upside down all the time. he swims upside down all day every day
  35. L

    i have two questions

    ok first off what do i do if my fish starts to bleed. or at least it looks like blood. my dempsey bit my cousins jewel cichlid he was keeping it in there for a week wheil he wqs on vacationa nd i loked and red stuff was coming from his head. what do i do? second i am getting this like tannish...
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    if anyone from ohio or michigan

    opps i mean wanna and talk . sorry i was typing fast. lol
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    if anyone from ohio or michigan

    i live in ohio lokign for friends from both states if u anna tal;k message me maybe we can meet in person thanx bye bye
  38. L

    question about

    would a betta get along ok with my jack dempseys since i cant find no blue demposeys anywhere.
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    Tank Idea

    sounds really nice. what is that gonna cost u ?