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  1. P

    What Goes With What?

    The Blue Dolphin has just expired. I was told to keep the PH at 8.2 for these types of fish?? I have informed the LFS of what we have had in the tank at the time of purchasing any newbies and they have said the only one that could be a problem is the convict? Could you tell me from the previous...
  2. P

    Fish Cannot Swim Upright

    Just checked on capacity calculators 80cmx30cmx35cm = 18.5 gallons or 84Ltrs in UK speak! My LFS did not tell us we needed such a large space for the convict!!!! eeek! The water stats have just been checked again and are as before PH 7 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 The Dolphin Cichlid has...
  3. P

    How Do I Work Out The Capacity Of My Tank?

    Hi all Anyone know the formula for working out how many gallons my tank is? Uk gallons that is Thanks pippin35 :unsure:
  4. P

    Fish Cannot Swim Upright

    Hi Wilder Tank size 84ltr Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 PH 7 this was 8.2 yesterday Convict, firemouth, sunset/sunrise, neon jewel, blue headed jack? and the dolphin no the fish is not bloated just upside down :unsure: Thanks pippin35
  5. P

    What Goes With What?

    Hi All I have kept tropical community fish for a number of years with very little effort on my part and after recently letting the stock run down I decided to change over to cichlids. I carefully raised the PH to 8.2 and introduced a Firemouth, convict, neon jewel, balloon ram, and a...
  6. P

    Fish Cannot Swim Upright

    Hi All At the weekend I bought A Dolphin Cichlid it now can't swim upright any suggestions? Could it be fish attack, high nitrates or plain bad luck? Thanks for any help pippin35