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  1. S

    4 Foot Tank

    a pair of angels maybe
  2. S


    most smaller tetras will be fine with guppy's, should geet a few more guppy's to go with that lonely male, tetra's would be fine with most fish that are going to fit in an 10 gal tank, yes tetras are compatible with different types of tetras, you want a group of atleast 6.
  3. S

    Can I Safely Add Additional Fish?

    if you take the betta out and put into its own tank i think that you would be able to add some more fish maybe a centre piece fish or two
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    What Do You Think Of My Stocking Level?

    ok cool, paradise and gourami chase eachother abit but not doing any damage.gourami certiantly stands up for himself, both are out and about all the time and seem quite happy, the angels and rummys are always are the first to the tank when the food comes out they get plenty, thank everyone
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    What Do You Think Of My Stocking Level?

    more or less fish? my tank is a 55 gallon - 48L x 18H x 15W. stocking list: 2 angels 2 kribs 1 paradise fish 1 coral blue gourami 3 yoyo loach 3 kuhli loach 4 congo tetras 2 bristlenose 2 golden algae eaters 8 rummynose tetras 1 rainbow shark (can move to bigger tank if a problem but have had...
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    just cycling my new tank and not thinking i grabbed ammo lock instead of the ammonia and yes put it in the tank, what is the best way of fixing this problem?
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    Id Help Please

    thank you to I Love my fishies and dthoffsett
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    Id Help Please

    can anyone help me with what this fish is? i hope i'm in the right section. my local lfs gave me to of them cause he didn't know what they where , ur help would be much appreciated, i'm eager to find out cause i would like to know if i should set up my spare tank for them or if they will be...
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    What Else To Add?

    It's 18inch tall, no need to be smart about it. no wonder new people to the hobby don't stay on this site
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    What Else To Add?

    hey, everyone, your advise would be much appreciated. what else can I add to my 55 galon tank (4ft x 18 inch x 15inch). I currently have an angel (4inch head to tail by 5 inch fin to fin) which is quite dominent and won't take to other angels, a krib which is quite placid, 4 yoyo loachs, 7 black...
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    I Have To Say, These Are Great Fun

    great fish, I've got 4 there manic really liven the tank up, I'm krib tries to keep up with them like his one of them
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    My Ram

    my golden ram has scratched itself and has fungus on the cut, I've read that rams don't take to medication very well?? I've also got loaches and a bristlenose in with him and I've got a breeding pair of angels in my QT . whats the best thing I should do? your help would be much appreciated. by...