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  1. B

    Help With My Tiger Barbs.

    Thanks for all the helpful advice guys much appriciated. Found a big aquatic centre near where I live, they were also very helpful. Turns out that the nitrate was too high in the water and have now got a water testing kit and conditioner for the water, once again thanks for all your advice. p.s...
  2. B

    Help With My Tiger Barbs.

    Hi all, I got a new aquarium for christmas and i'm just starting out. I have started off with four tiger barbs, they seem to have settled in o.k, but i was told that theyre ferocious eaters, and that doesn't seem to be the case. I've been using flake food and when i put it in they don't come up...
  3. B

    Help With My Eeria Densa

    I just got my first aquarium for xmas and its been up and running for just over a week now. To start off with I planted three egeria densa's. Before I put them in I trated the water and added some plant gro. Unfortunatly the plants aren't doing very well, on each of the plants the leaves are...