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  1. Y

    Why does my envelopes to the left

    I think the threads with the dot are the ones that you have posted in. EDIT: This should be moved to the "Fish Forum; Announcements, Suggestions." forum. ;)
  2. Y

    Feeding Vegetables

    Hmmm, when I got home, the peas are all gone. Apparently they won't eat them immediately after I put them in. :P
  3. Y

    Feeding Vegetables

    Ok, I tried peas, but the fish didn't even look at them. Should I try cucumbers next?
  4. Y

    Feeding Vegetables

    For the peas, should I remove the outer skin and warm them before putting them in?
  5. Y

    Feeding Vegetables

    Hi, Sorry if this has been posted before, but I have four tetras and would like to feed them a little bit of veggies every one or two weeks. What kind of vegetables can I feed them? I've heard about peas and lettuce, and I just want to make sure. Thanks, Yuxi
  6. Y

    $*&^%#@! WAL-MART!!!!

    It's wonderful that they've built a new Petsmart only a mile from my house! Now I don't have to buy fish stuff from Walmart anymore... I can also buy live plants at Petsmart :)