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  1. willroo


    I am having trouble with an algea, Its stringy, floating about off my bogwood but it forms a carpet on the bottom of the tank. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of it please. Cheers WIll
  2. willroo


    Thanks for the replies, The tank is bow fronted so I dont know if wood would be ok. I'll go to my LFS and see what light fitings hey have and how I can attach it. Will
  3. willroo


    Hello everyone I have a small 6 gal tank. The light doesnt work and a replacement hood is £25 but will take at least 4 weeks to come. I am wondering if I can make one ?? What light fiting will I need to buy and how will I fix it into the Hood. Can anyone help Please Thanks Will
  4. willroo

    How Long Without A Light

    Hello everyone, The bulb has blown and I cannot get a replacement from my LFS, they said that they would ring me today and yes you've guessed they didn't. :angry: The tube is 10w the tank is only a small 6 gallon aqua one tank. My question is how long will the fish live without a light...
  5. willroo


    I have a product called King British Snail control. Should I use this or not? The LFS said the feedback on the product was very good. Thanks Will
  6. willroo

    What Plants Cani Put In

    sorry forget the snail bit wrong section Thanks will
  7. willroo

    What Plants Cani Put In

    All that is on the light tube is 10w there is a box shape with AA in it. I have a product calledKing British Snail control. Should I use this or not? The LFS said the feedback on the product was very good. Thanks Will
  8. willroo

    What Plants Cani Put In

    Dont know. just the basic what you get with the setup. Cheers Will
  9. willroo


    Let us know please
  10. willroo

    What Plants Cani Put In

    Hello everyone I have a small 6 gal tank what plants can I put in there, nothing too big obviously also what do I need tok keep them - eg food ect Will
  11. willroo


    Yes just got to live with them
  12. willroo


    Hello I'm a member on a few forums and each one has the same problem. :angry: The problem is that when people post replies it is sometimes hard to word it correctly and also depends on how the reader reads into the message. Then there are the posts that ARE very to the point and are...
  13. willroo


    Hello I have a problem with snails. I use the cucumber method, really does work. Look in your filter I found hundreds of the little blighters in there. Most of them were on the charcoal so I have removed it and I am just putting sponge back in there.
  14. willroo

    Feeding Plants

    Hello everyone. I dont have a planted tank at the moment but I'm just wondering what plant food people use and how often you feed the plants?? Thanks Will :good:
  15. willroo


    Hello everyone I seem to have an increasing problem with snails. Is there anything I can add to the water or do I just have to pick them out? Will
  16. willroo

    Just Wanted To Tell Everyone!

    congrats all the best for the future :yahoo: Will
  17. willroo

    This Forum

    Put it in your profile under the homepage heading
  18. willroo

    A Sad Story

    Sorry about all the illness in your tank I cant suggest anything for that. The algea problem will sort itself out no need to do anything,I've just had the same trouble. Don't give up. :thumbs: Will
  19. willroo

    Silver Tip Tetras

    Thanks for the replies. That link is very helpful thanks :good: Will
  20. willroo


    Hello & :hi: Any book will do, But if you can't find the answers in a book just ask on here someone will have the answer. :nod: Good luck Will
  21. willroo

    Silver Tip Tetras

    How can you tell the differance between the male and female silver tip tetras ? :dunno: Thanks Will
  22. willroo


    Thanks for the replies :thanks: Will
  23. willroo


    Hello everyone, What is the max reading for nitrates you can saftley have in your tank ? :unsure: Also how do you change the colour of the little figure in your profile ? Thanks Will
  24. willroo

    My First Tank

    Hi all, Thought I would share my experience of setting up my first tank. Would also appreciate and gratefully receive any advice and guidance. First off, what inspired me to take up fish keeping? I Wanted a focal point for my front room, also the Feng Shui element of bringing calm to a room is...
  25. willroo

    6 Gallon Tank

    hello Are you sure it is a 6 gal tank ? I have a 6 gal but it looks twice the length. I change about 30% a week. Hoover about half,then other half next time. :good: :fish: Good luck
  26. willroo

    New Year, New Rules

    hello Smurfy they are not rules in RU they are laws. lol :P
  27. willroo

    Algea Eaters

    Sorry Ph is 7.2-7.4 Read wrong column :blush:
  28. willroo

    Algea Eaters

    Thanks everyone. :good: Set up the tank 27 December. the water stats once cycled have been stable. Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Ammonia 0 Ph is 5-10
  29. willroo

    Algea Eaters

    Thanks everyone. The algea in my tank is brown. I've tried varying the length of time that the light is on and that doesn't seem to work. :fish: Thanks Will
  30. willroo

    Algea Eaters

    Thanks for the replies :good:
  31. willroo

    Algea Eaters

    What are the smallest algea eaters. :fish:
  32. willroo

    New Year, New Rules

    Hello fisherman. I'm from wigan and play rugby union. Sorry but they're not scrums in RL :no: :no:
  33. willroo

    If You Live In The Uk

    Wigan, Lancs :good:
  34. willroo

    Another Fish

    Is there room for a Betta or Gourami in my tank ? Or can anyone tell me what,if there's room, i can add. :good:
  35. willroo

    Fish Quiz

    just been reading through the pages no one got the tail shape Sorry its late But its Crowntail :good: Sorry carry on
  36. willroo

    Television Fish

    Saw one on grand designs last night it was acting as a wall it was very tall and long but was only a couple of inches wide. He had what looked like Egg fish in there. A good idea but i would want one wider. :D
  37. willroo

    Nitrites Wont Go Down

    My tank took six weeks to fully cycle. the nitrite spike lasted weeks. I was due to go on holiday for a few days and was worried about not being able to do the water changes. Two days before we went the nitrite dropped and went to 0 it has stayed there since. Good luck :good:
  38. willroo


    Hello & :hi: Stu Good luck