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  1. P

    White Cloud

    Thanks for the support!!! I had the temp set at 77 degrees, but when I woke up it was well over 100. This feeder fish that I still have left is AMAZING. I can't believe it is still there, this is great. What a resilent fish!!! The temp has fallen to about 80 at this point ... jez ...
  2. P

    White Cloud

    :no: I should be in fish jail. I went and purchased 8 guppies and 1 botton feeder. Everything was nice and beautfiul. Well, when I woke up this morning the were all dead. :/ Upon my investigation, I noticed my heater was too high. I didn't mean to but I boiled them. :*) I am totally...
  3. P

    White Cloud

    My water levels are fine and have been for about a week now. I just had that white cloud I was unsure of, but the has been resolved now. :D Well, I will be off the aquarium sometime today, to bring home some fish. Thanks again.
  4. P

    White Cloud

    THANKS ALL!!! You were right! The tank is clear now. Does this mean I can go by the fish I want now? :rolleyes: :D
  5. P

    White Cloud

    ah ha ... THANKS!!! :D I have hope that it isn't as bad as my worst thoughts. I like that. ;) :thumbs:
  6. P

    White Cloud

    I started a 10 gallon tank about five weeks ago. The levels are all finally where they ought to be. However, I know have a white cloud in my tank. It isn't hanging, but rather the white is all over. What is this? How can I fix it? oh ... I have two feeder fish in there. :/
  7. P

    Trying to ReCreate Childhood Memories

    Hi all, A Los Angeles native, now living in the Sacramento area here. I remember my Pop having all kinds of fish tanks growing up and the wonderful memories. Five weeks ago, I started a ten gallon fresh water tank. What a learning process!!! I signed up, because I need drastic help. LOL...