Search results

  1. M

    Male Blue Ram

    Thanks for the replies. Water stats are...... Ph - 7.0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20 Temp - 80F He is his usual colouration or if anything a little lighter & his gills appear normal. There are no other symptoms visible on either him or any of his tankmates. At the...
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    Male Blue Ram

    Hi there. I have a pair of blue rams in my 50gal community & over the last couple of days the male has been out of sorts. He's just lying on the bottom of the tank, moving very little & seems to be breathing very fast. The tank has been running for 6 months (I've had the rams from pretty much...
  3. M

    Would A Krib' And A G B Ram Be Ok Together?

    Hi Jozlyn. I can only speak from my own experience, but I have a pair of Blue Rams & a pair of kribs in my community tank. They've been in together for a few months now with no problems whatsoever. Murph.
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    Fish Quiz

    Oh dear, wasn't expecting to have to ask one, I was just Ok then , nice easy one....... Whats the L no. for A Leopard Frog Pleco? Whoops.... L006 L234 L134 L143
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    My New Fire Eel Needs A Name

    What about....Dr F Eelgood? lol :hyper:
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    Fish Quiz

    Distracting overly agressive fish
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    Television Fish

    Class big marine 'wall' tank in Romeo & Juliet (the Di Caprio one) :blush: Also a marine tank in that 'love island' crap show, in the interview room. :blush: :blush: tankspotter! lol
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    Cory Just Enjoy The Pictures

    Top one's a Schwartzii methinks. Same as my 6. :cool:
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    Newbie From Belfast N.i. What can I say.....Brilliant! Drove over this afternoon for a quick look & was still there an hour & a half later! Great selection & friendly staff, have a feeling I'll be back
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    Newbie From Belfast N.i.

    Excellent BR, many thanks. I'm off there tomorrow after work for sure. :fish:
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    Newbie From Belfast N.i.

    Hi everyone. I'm from just outside Portadown myself & there are a few LFS around here. There are a couple in Portadown itself Seagoe Tropicals which does fish, birds & a small selection of reptiles & LA pets on the Mahon Road although their selection of fish is very small. My two favourites...
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    2 Male Blue Rams

    Sorry to bump an old thread, but I finally managed to swap one of my males for a female a few days ago. She's about half the size that he is, was the only one left in the LFS and although she looked quite fragile I decided to risk it. Since I've introduced her theres been no agression from the...
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    Albert My Common Plec *update*

    Beautiful Gibby! :)
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    My New L134 Leopard Frog

    Very nice fish connorsbala. B) I have an L134 myself & they really are beautiful plecos. Best of luck.......
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    Cheers...LFS tomorrow morning 1st thing then.
  16. M


    Hi, I was mis-sold 2 male blue rams as a pair a couple of months ago. I was having problems with 'bullying' & just a couple of days ago the LFS got a new batch so I swapped one of the males for a female. Everything seemed fine & there was none of the previous agression from the male, but today...
  17. M

    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    Just to update, if anyone's interested,.... so far so good. Although the PSG looks quite menacing he/she (?) has been as good as gold. Well apart from jumping out of the tank on the 2nd day! I found it on the floor when I got in from work & feared the worst, but I saw it was still alive &...
  18. M

    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    I tried him with a few things food wise this evening & he's had a go at floating cichlid sticks, sinking catfish pellets & freeze dried bloodworms....Boy did it go for those bloodworms! I'm tempted to go out & dig a few live earthworms for it, but it's black dark here & I'm sure the neighbours...
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    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    Very nice fish there Mudfrog. :good: Showing beautiful colouring. Might I ask what tank mates you keep with yours? Anything else you've picked up about them, I'd love to hear.
  20. M

    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    Hi lillykinloo, & thanks for the reply. The PSG's been in with my other fish for a few hours now, & so far, so good, but I do wonder what the morning will bring. :unsure: I can't stop watching it though . It'll really is a lovely confident fish & to be honest I'd love to keep it. So much so...
  21. M

    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    I bought a Purple Spotted Gudgeon at my local LFS on my way home from work & I don't know the 1st thing about them! It was an impulse buy (most unlike me, I've been very careful so far) it was the last one in the shop & I was assured that if I had any problems I could return it. My tank is a...
  22. M

    Can I Get Another Plec.

    Thanks people. In answer to a few of those questions.... Shadow Fox, I already have a Leopard Frog & I'd like something different. Re: filtration, I am running 2 Fluval 4+ internal filters at the minute largely because they came with the tank when I bought it 2nd hand off ebay last year :D ...
  23. M

    Can I Get Another Plec.

    I have a 1200X400X400 tank. Around 49Gal UK (55Gal US) with a few hardy plants, lava rocks & a couple of large pieces of bog-wood. Plenty of good hiding spots :) I already have 2 plecs, a L134 Leopard frog pleco & a couple of weeks back I added a L006 Brown Dot Peckoltia. The two don't really...
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    Leopard Frog Pleco L134

    Peckoltia sp. (L134)
  25. M

    Saw A Plec At The Store Today

    Did it look like either of these? My 134.... My 006....
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    Which One?

    Please don't do it smithrc. It would be a crying shame. In my very short time on these forums I found you to be very friendly & extremly helpful to those less well informed such as myself.
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    Yet Another Id Request

    L6 perhaps?
  28. M

    Yet Another Id Request

    Doesn't look like the L106 here...... And doesn't much look like this para plec.... The spots all over are more or less a constant size. Something I have noticed is that he has a small stripe right across his head above his eyes...
  29. M

    Yet Another Id Request

    Thanks smithrc. I was in a very small FS near my dads house about a month ago & in conversation I told the elderly gentleman who runs it that I liked 'fancy' plecs & asked if he ever had any in etc... 1st time I went back again was yesterday & strightaway he said "I've got a fancy pleco, I've...
  30. M

    Yet Another Id Request

    Could someone please ID.......
  31. M

    What Next?

    Thanks leonwillow. That's exactly what I've done. Seems to be settling in well & has taken up residence in a lava rock beside the one the my L134 calls home.
  32. M

    Just Got A New Plec Got Home &....

    Top of the list Wilder believe me.
  33. M

    2 Male Blue Rams

    Thanks Paul. Looks like I'm going to have to re-home one of them. Unfortunately my none of my local LFS have had blue rams in since I got these two. They were part of a batch that were tank-bred locally & up til now have been doing really well. It looks like they'd sorted their differences...
  34. M

    Just Got A New Plec Got Home &....

    He's in. Has been for a while. Seems to be settling in well & has taken up residence in a lava rock beside the one the my L134 calls home. I'll just treat the tank again tonight with the whitespot meds & see how things go I suppose. thanks
  35. M

    Just Got A New Plec Got Home &....

    Looks like it to me, but I didn't see it in the shop! It's miles back to the LFS & he'd be closed by the time I get there anyway & I dont have a quarantine tank. What am I going to do? I've just finished treating for whitespot that my blue rams had developed last week. Help please! :crazy:
  36. M

    What Next?

    Ok I went to a different LFS today & picked up this guy. I know I should have tried to researched before I bought, but he was the last in the shop & I fell for him. Could someone please ID....... Looks like whitespot in that 1st pic doesn't it? It's miles back to the LFS what shoud I do...
  37. M

    What Next?

    Thanks for the replies. I was speaking to the LFS guy today & he's said that he can get me pretty much anything within reason shipped over from the mainland so long as I'm prepared to be a little patient. So now I just need to make my mind up what to order. Another L134 of something else...
  38. M

    What Next?

    I've had a Leopard frog pleco in my 50 Gal community for a while now & I'm really happy with him. He's feeding well & although still quite shy, when he does come out he's great to watch. I'd like to add another L134 to my set-up but they aren't readily available in my neck of the woods. The LFS...
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    2 Male Blue Rams

    I've had 2 Male Blue rams for a couple of months now with no problems bar the odd chase, but now the slightly larger one is giving the other a pretty hard time almost constantly. They were sold to me as a M/F pair when I myself was a bit greener around the gills regarding rams. :sick: I've...
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    Zebra Loaches

    Cheers. Much appreciated.