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  1. L

    New Oscar Tank

    I'm glad I'm not far off with my plan - I take on board what you say about subsequent water changes. I knew there'd be something else though! What is it I need to know about having sand instead of gravel? Thanks once again. Les
  2. L

    New Oscar Tank

    Thanks once again for all this info.: how could anyone ever contemplate setting up any tank - let alone a big oscar tank - without all this info.? I have now read and received a great deal of info. to help me 'get this right', and have more-or-less formulated the following plan: This is where...
  3. L

    Slate In Tank?

    Doesn't slate have sharp edges, which the fish may inhure themselves on? Perhaps this is inly an issue for Oscars, which I gather are prone to rubbing themselves on anything and averything in the tank. I am in the process of setting up an Oscar tank, and have been advised to steer clear of slate.
  4. L

    New Oscar Tank

    Thanks for this info. I have just checked, and yes - the pH in the malawi tank could do with being a bit higher: so I've done the necessary, and now have a pH of 8. For this reason, as well as the others you have given, I will not be using any malawi water for the new tank. One minor question...
  5. L

    New Oscar Tank

    Many thanks for all this great advice! I have now put the two filters that will be used with the new tank into my existing tank, so hopefully the appropriate bugs will now grow in them. Would one week be enough before I transfer the filters to the new tank and add oscar et al, or should I wait...
  6. L

    Tank Mates For Oscar

    Hello All I am setting up a 5 x 1.5 x 2 foot tank for one oscar, plus 2 or 3 other fish: for these others I have in mind a plecs and/or catfish, and would be grateful if someone could suggest suitable types of each. Obviously with only a 5 foot tank the max size of any of the fish can be no...
  7. L

    New Oscar Tank

    Hello I am about to set up a 5 foot tank for an Oscar, plus probably a plec and a catfish (or other Oscar tankmates!). I have received various advice from experience fishkeepers about whether a 5 foot tank is OK for the Oscar, some of it positive and some of it negative. Overall, it seems that...