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  1. J

    Live Food

    ok, when i add the rest of the live food i'll make sure i net them in and not pour the water in :good:
  2. J

    Live Food

    i just poured it all in...the water fleas and the that bad? :unsure:
  3. J

    Live Food

    ok i put the water fleas in now...will the Artemia be ok in the bag for a couple of days?
  4. J

    Live Food

    I've got some waterfleas and my tank i have 6 rummy nose, 1 betta, 5 tettras and 2 danios. Do i just put all the live food in togther or shouldi put 1 bag in per day. i have 2 bags.
  5. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish

    I have 1 betta, 3 rummsnose, 3 neons, 2 danios and 1 molly. all get along fine and i was wondering if i could add any thing else. I could get another rummy...but i would like to get another fish on his a gwaf gourami.
  6. J

    Have I Damaged My Set Up?!?

    yes...just 1 drop per gallon. I had done a 1 gallon water change, so i didn't put too much in.
  7. J

    Have I Damaged My Set Up?!?

    I could kick myself...i did a 20% water change and then realised i'd forgotten to treat the water!! :no: In a panic, i put the treatment stright into the tank. Will this hurt my fish?!!?!
  8. J


    if i boil long should it be boiled for and when would it be ok to put it in the tank?
  9. J


    it sinks straight away...its also quite big (about 2 foot) and can't get it all into the bucket to soak. Would boiling it speed up the process?
  10. J


    i'm new to bogwood...i've bought some...what should i do with it before i put it in my tank? I bought it from my LFS.
  11. J

    Betta Behaviour

  12. J

    I Began Cycling My 20 Gallon 4 Days Ago

    agreed....i cycled my tank with 2 danios over 3-4 weeks...they're still ok and i have never lost a fish due to tank problems
  13. J

    Betta Behaviour

    There's plenty of hiding places in my tank...and now you mention is like he's 'inspecting' the bottom of the tank. His fins are all fine and there's no damage to him either :good: I put my hand in, and he did come up to see what the fuss was about.
  14. J

    Betta Behaviour

    i keen a keen eye on him (he's the centre piece of my tank) and the neons don't bother him...1 of the danios attempted to have a nip when i first put him in, but my Betta soon sorted him out by chasing him (as fast as he could..which isn't very!) around the they leave him to his own...
  15. J

    Betta Behaviour

    I don't mind people giving advice...but i do mind when someone insinuates that i don't care about my fish. I keep a careful eye on all my fish and if there was a problem i would deal with it...the closest thing i've got to anyone being harrased if my molly...but he stays out of the way of my...
  16. J

    Betta Behaviour

    look fella...i was keeping fish when you were still needing your mother carry you to the bathroom. A number of years ago, i had a very large tropical fish set up...150+ litre and in that i had a lot of fish, which included 2 bettas and around 10-12 neons. I sold the lot after 3 years to go to...
  17. J

    Betta Behaviour

    what?! So let me get this right....the fact i once kept a male and female Betta toegther (for 2 years) shows i'm not smart? For your information, they came with the tank (i bought it 2nd hand) and lived fine...infact, when the female died (of old age) i replaced her with ANOTHER female...and...
  18. J

    Betta Behaviour

    first of all...i said I had kept male and female together in a large tank...which i have done...and i'm not the only person to have said so...someone else has posted after me saying they had kept them together in a 15 litre tank! The tetras don't bother my of the Danios attempted to...
  19. J

    Male Bettas Being Lonely

    i've successfully kept male and female Betta's together...but it was in a large tank.
  20. J

    Betta Behaviour

    i've had him a month...and yeah, he's always kinda acted like this.
  21. J

    Betta Behaviour

    anyone?!?! :unsure:
  22. J

    Betta Behaviour

    hi, I've got a Biube which holds 35 my tank i have some volcanic rock...3 moss balls and a small pirate ship. I also have 4 neons, 1 molly, 2 rummys and 2 danios. Now, my betta gets along with everyone fine...but he spends most of his time at the bottom of the tank (sometimes with...
  23. J

    How Often Do You Lose Fish?

    i lost a neon when he jumped out the net (when i was transfering them to the tank)...picked him up and put him in, but iwas no good...he died overnight. but in my 35litre biube i have 4 neons, 2 danios, 1 molly, 1 betta and 4 rummys...all seem happy :good: in fact, the neons and rummys seem...
  24. J

    23 Litre Tank

    i think his avatar is actually a picture of andy :lol:
  25. J

    How To Put My Pretty New Fish In The Tank

    this is what i do let the bag sit in the water WITH THE LIGHTS OFF) for 20 mins...then add a cup of tank water to the bag....leave 5 more mins..then NET the fish from the bag into the this with the bag over the tank, just in case they slip out. once they are in, leave for a while...
  26. J

    Beginners Aquarium

    if you want a marine tank...yes :P
  27. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    well i think i'm going to wait and see what the moment, the Betta keeps himself to himself...he's either swimming around my plants, in my pirate ship of just milling around the bottom of the tank. The rummy's, danios and Neons all hang around together and seem ok...and my molly...
  28. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    i've added 2 more rummys....all seem fine now :good:
  29. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    they seem ok...swimming around lots and chasing each other now and again..
  30. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    they all seem ok...1 of the Danios tried to nip him...but he got a bit angry and chased him around the Biube for 10 mins :rolleyes: so i don't think he'll so that again!
  31. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    i did have 5 neons...but i dropped one when netting them in the tank :angry:
  32. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    really? :blink:
  33. J

    Can I Add Anymore Fish?

    hi, I have a Biube (35 litre) and i have the following in it. 4 Neons 2 Rummy nose tetras 1 male Betta (fighter fish) 2 Danios 1 molly I'd like to add a few more rummys to the stock...all seem fine and get along ok.
  34. J

    Fishy Presents

    a fully cycled fish tank would be nice!
  35. J

    Me New Tank!

    a very nice tank. I love that volcano thing
  36. J

    Can We All Stop Jumping On Everyone?

    As a new member, and a person whose returning to fish keeping after a number of years, I think I’m in a good position to comment on this. I’m totally new to cycling and the upkeep of a small tank…so like many new members here, I have asked lots of questions. I’ve also seen many new...
  37. J

    What Can I Add?
  38. J

    Ok, I've Been Cycling With Fish For 3 Weeks

    ok, if they'll get on, i'll add a couple of more small fish and let the tank cycle from there. thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated! :)
  39. J

    Ok, I've Been Cycling With Fish For 3 Weeks

    They only really hide at night, much of the time during the day they're swimming around at the top or picking at my balls of moss. ok, I'll add 2 more Danios over the weekend to up the cycle...would they not get on with 2 other smaller type of fish?
  40. J

    Ok, I've Been Cycling With Fish For 3 Weeks

    The Danio's seem quite happy to be honest. they do their little dashes around the top (sometime chasing each other), but most of the time they are in my rocks, or in the plants or hiding in my pirate ship! The reason i got a small tank, is simply i don't want the hasstle that comes with the...