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  1. C

    Need Some Plants Pleeeeeeease... Oh And Advise :)

    Hi all, Not quite sure where to post this as i see from the plant swop page that your not supposed to request plants. I finally got a bigger tank as my clown and plec are out growing my 55l tank very quickly :) I have bought a 220l tank, fluval 404, laterite and subtrate, and want to set it...
  2. C

    Fishless Quarantine Tank Cycling Question

    Thanks hun :) I have no ammonia issues at all as you say. But I was wondering, as the tank wont have any fish in unless one becomes sick (I hope never), will i have to add the ammonia until then. Or as I have no ammonia issues at all, will adding flake every so often suffice? Cal
  3. C

    Fishless Cycling

    Hi all. I have set up a quaratine/hospital tank and used some of the water from my other well established tank to start it off. I also took half of the filter media out of the established tank and used it in the new quarantine tank. After reading the fishless cycle advice page, I am wondering...
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    Fishless Quarantine Tank Cycling Question

    Hi all. I have set up a quaratine/hospital tank and used some of the water from my other well established tank to start it off. I also took half of the filter media out of the established tank and used it in the new quarantine tank. After reading the fishless cycle advice page, I am...
  5. C

    Sick Gourami? Advice Please :)

    Thanks hun. The fish in the larger tank seem ok now and there bloatedness has gone. Anus look ok too. Tragedy struck when i returned home tonight and my gourami had died. Was gutted and still dont know exactly why. I examined her and the marks on her side looked like open cuts. Not sure if...
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    Sick Gourami? Advice Please :)

    Hi Wilder. No it doesn't look like mucus. They look like she has hurt herself more than anything. I moved her to a hospital tank and medicated with Intrepet No 9 - anti Internal Bacteria - cures diseases with symptoms such as bacterial gillrot, dropsy, ulcers (as I thought it was an ulcer...
  7. C

    Advice On Setting Up A Planted Tank

    Hi all, I've been after a larger tank for ages. first problem was that as I live on an island, many companies were going to charge me hundreds of pounds to have one delivered, second hand tank sellers didn't want to courier them and lack of funds meant I couldn't get a brand new 4ft minimun...
  8. C

    Look What I Just Bought. Sooooooo Happy :)

    Hi all, I've been after a larger tank for ages. first problem was that as I live on an osland, many companies were going to charge me hundreds of pounds to have one delivered, second hand tank sellers didn't want to courier them and lack of funds meant I couldn't get a brand new 4ft minimun...
  9. C

    Sick Gourami? Advice Please :)

    Hi all, I have posted this in the gourami section also, but thought i would put it here for all to see and give any advice as I need it. A week ago I noticed a couple of white spots on my gourami. I thought it was a reoccurance of ich as I had it in November. Anyways, I treated it as per the...
  10. C

    Sick Gourami? Advice Please :)

    Hi all, A week ago I noticed a couple of white spots on my gourami. I thought it was a reoccurance of ich as I had it in November. Anyways, I treated it as per the forums suggestions (2nd dosing yesrday). The gourami never had any other symptoms but was more playful and affectionate with the...
  11. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Not at all. I'm in the same boat. If it was one of my girls, I would put them to bed and give them some meds to help (i'm a nurse). But with the fish it is soooooooo complecated and can be frustrating. Tis definately easier when the girls are ill! Yeh I've noticed the go to bed happy and wake...
  12. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    I know what you mean. I live on an a small island and have the same problem. The forum is excellent and we are blessed with the suppprt that is given. Although I don't know anyone and I am a newbie to both the forum and the fish world, I am heartened by the supprot that is given...
  13. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thank you very much.. No worries :good: Thank you for the advise on the master test kit. I am just about out of the ammonia test kit so it sounds a good investment. I shall keep the water temperature up as you suggest. I read the run down on the site of how to treat Ich/white spot also...
  14. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Ipdate: I tested the ammonia level tonight and it read 0.1. I was swaying on the 0.0 but my daughters are debating that it's 0.0 :unsure: I was asked what test i am using for the other ones and it the test strips. It says precision labs, inc. Test Strips. Fresh water aquarium test strips...
  15. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thanks you so much for all your advise, it is greatly appreciated. The fish are very mobile and looking for food. I took the advise not to feed them but an worried that the bigger fish will go for the babies if they get to hungry... will this happen? My filter has a venturi on it so I turned...
  16. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Those white spots are not bugs...they are parasites that if left untreated they will kill your fish and spread to all your other fish. The Name is ICH. I know they are parasites. it was a play on words, as in nasty little things. I know the difference between the 2 as I am a nurse, so give me...
  17. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thank you so much. I have done a 50% water change, cleaned the gravel stuff and then added the new water (with dechlorinater) and then the white spot (intrepet) as directed on the bottle. It says to redose in 4 days. I found the post about white spot on the forum which was also a big help. I...
  18. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Yeh Andy, Big mistake I know now as if i have it right, its got to build up its bacteria etc. Cal
  19. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    It might also be worthwhile to check the PH of your tap water. 6.4 seems a little low and it would be interesting to see if that's a product of what's happening in your tank, or if that's just your tap water. If your tap water is neutral - somewhere around 7 or 7.2, we need to figure out the...
  20. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thanks everyone. I posted this twice by mistake and it getting a bit confusing going between the 2 with all the advise. Is there any way of moving all post into 1 and deleting the other? :blush: In trhe other post someone says a different thing about the size of the tank and loaches. May I...
  21. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thank you for all your replies. I am very grateful. As for the chemicals, it through reading other post etc and websites/forums that I have read that adding chemicals is a quck fix and the tank and then a few weeks later the tank will spike again etc as they can kill off some of the valuable...
  22. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Now I feel guilty as i took my suppliers advise on stocking the tank. Just goes to show you you cant ttust everyone. What do you suggest is the best ciurse of action to address the sick fish problem etc. As for the over stocking, I shall look at getting the bigger tank, sooner rather than...
  23. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Hi there and thanks for the reply. It guts me when I loose a fish especially as a newbie as I blame myself :) I do add Nutrafin Water Conditioner Aqua Plus to the water and its for removing chlrine, chloramine etc. I asked around (i'm in the UK) and was told this is the best here. Think it's...
  24. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Thanks you for the quick reply and advise. Can you tell me why you advise all these chemicals as I am being constantly told NOT to add chemicals as it will back fire in a few weeks when the filter suffers. Also,the filter is reputable and I know many others with these types of filter who are...
  25. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    15.49 US Gallons 12.9 UK Gallons So it is white spot? My supplier who is very reputable, advise me it was ok to have the loach and the acara in the tank. Also that it was not over stocked. I have seen tanks of the same capacity with far more fish in them. I am planning on getting a large...
  26. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Hi all, just when I thought things were going well, I have a sudden death and others are not looking good. The tank has been going about 6 months now and although I had the newbie problems due to a new tank set up, everything has been ticking over well since before xmas. In fact, 2 months ago...
  27. C

    Help... Sudden Death And Others Are Not Looking Well

    Hi all, just when I thought things were going well, I have a sudden death and others are not looking good. The tank has been going about 6 months now and although I had the newbie problems due to a new tank set up, everything has been ticking over well since before xmas. In fact, 2 months ago...
  28. C

    Unwell Fish...

    I will get an ammonia test kit straight away. I let the tank cycle for 2 weeks before i added any fish (as my pet shop said). Wish i had checked it out further :( I will do a water change every other day as you advise... is this the 20-25% that I usually do every week? Also, I added tapsafe to...
  29. C

    Unwell Fish...

    pH 6.4 Alkalinity 0 Hardness 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrie 0 Tank has been running 3 weeks. What do mean by cycle? Just did exactly what the fish shop said :/ Lost a tetra this morning :(
  30. C

    Unwell Fish...

    Thankyou! 1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) -Got no stick at the moment to test, but temperature is 25-26 degreesC 2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. -Top half of tail has lost it's colour. Fish seems to be shaking. Same symptoms of other...
  31. C

    Unwell Fish...

    Thanks. We're getting quite attached to them now! They even have names.
  32. C

    Unwell Fish...

    I lost a guppy earlier on in the week, I think he was poorly from when I first got him. I've got another one with the same symptoms, it's a guppy (orange tail), top half of his tail is now white and straggly. The same thing that happened to the other one, except the other one's tail got shorter...
  33. C

    How Many Per Tank?

    Hi all, i'm new to the fish world. I've got a hexagonal tank and have 4 guppies, 4 tetras, a dwarf gurami and a siamese fighting fish and of course a pleco. Not quite sure which of the variety he is but i was told he'll grow to about 5"max. Is it possible to have more than 1 pleco per tank as i...