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    Extreme Aquarium Bridge

    I was surfing today and came across these pictures. Now thats an aquarium bridge! Anyone gonna try it XD . Aquarium Bridge
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    Cheesecake Or Banoffee Pie Recipes

    Here's a recipe from the show Take Home Chef on TLC for Banoffe Pie. I've never tried this recipe but it looked good when he made it and I hope to try it sometime soon :). Banoffe Pie Serves 8 Ingredients: For the crust: 9 ounces/250 g digestive biscuits or graham crackers 1 stick/113 g...
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    Aquaclear Vs. Penguin

    I have an Aquaclear running in my tank as well as it is super quiet. The water level does have to be high enough but when it is I don't hear anything from it other than the faint hum during the night. Its great :D . Gankutsuou or anyone else that uses a Aquaclear do you run yours with all 3...
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    Platy Population Control

    Platys will eat some of thier own fry as my platy had a batch about 2 weeks ago and I witnessed a few fry being eaten but I still have about 13-14 fry left in the tank too.
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    Few Fish Have Died?

    I recently lost two neon tetras to what I'm pretty sure was swim bladder problems as they were both trying to swim upwards for a while and would immediately sink if they weren't trying to swim up. But then I lost a platy too and it seemed like he was just ill and didn't eat for about a day and...
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    Empty 10gallon

    Well I've got 8 neon tetras and 3 platies along with an eyespot rasbora and its a great little community tank. Also thinking (with a backup plan) of adding a male betta to round it off. But I guess its whatever you really want. :D
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    Help With Fish Id

    Wooo I found out its a Eye-Spot Rasbora! Thanks for hekping though
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    Bettas In A Community Tank?

    I have 8 neon tetras and 2 platys and was wondering if a betta would be good to add to these or would the tetras nip the fins and since I want a male betta would he get stressed because of the attacking the other fish because they maybe kinda look like another male betta?
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    Help With Fish Id

    Nope no red on the tail or anywhere
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    Help With Fish Id

    I was just looking around the net for some help with identifying a fish. Its about 2.5 inches long kinda silvery white and has a spot on the top fin. I'll put a picture up but its not to great :/ . Thanks alot.
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    New Tank With Red-tailed Black Shark

    The Tank is a 10 gallon tank and the shark is about 4 inched right now.
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    New Tank With Red-tailed Black Shark

    I was wondering about a few things. I just got a tank from someone that had a few fish in it. I identified one as a red-tailed black shark and the other I am still working on. I just added 8 neon tetras and 2 platys. I just wondering if the shark will be too agressive for the tetras and platies.