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  1. K

    30 L Biorb

    30 l Biorb , 1 Zebra danio, 2 Golden barbs, 5 Neon tetras
  2. K

    New Member Hi

    Cheers for the reply waterdrop, didn't get to pc before popping into LFS. Bought 6 very small Neon Tetras as the guy in the shop said they would probably be ok. re: the test results, i havent got too technical and use the tetra sticks. Water change about 4 - 5" down approx 2 - 3 weekly. Have...
  3. K

    New Member Hi

    Hi everyone, been lurking fo a couple of days, great forum I've had a Biorb 30l for about 3 years and on the whole am quite happy, Had some losses in the 1st year ( started with 4 golden barbs, 4 zebra danios and a chinese algae eater ... not all at once of course) all went well untill the CAE...
  4. K

    Modifying Biorb - Advice Needed

    It really would be good if someone could do a guide of some sort for this, maybe even a seperate forum ... I'd love a few ottos in mine but the bottom is too rough as it stands Any takers ?
  5. K

    Golden Barb

    Cheers guys ... still looking good Gaz
  6. K

    Golden Barb

    Quick update, fed them peas again tonight, still loving them and no floating up so far... thanks for your help guys, i think you may have saved a barb ! have a great weekend Gaz
  7. K

    Golden Barb

    Yeah, they all got in on it, and they were mushed, cheers again Gaz
  8. K

    Golden Barb

    Cheers Guys, popped a few soggy peas in at about 10 oclock, theyre all loving them ... see tomorrow Gaz
  9. K

    Golden Barb

    will that effect the other fish ...1 zebra danio and 3 other golden garb cheers
  10. K

    Golden Barb

    One of my gold barbs has a swim bladder problem, i think ... it seems to be fine all day but after feeding it cant seem to stay down, it just keeps floating to the top of the tank unless it swims downwards... poor thing is knackering itself trying to stay down ... could it be constipation ? and...
  11. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    Oops i was told they grow to 3/4 to 1 inche Cheers people maybe i'll stop at the 4 barb 1 zebra then they seem happy enough Gaz
  12. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    Why do you feel its overstocked, i thought that it was about 1" of fish per gallon ? all the fish are around the 3/4" to 1" mark , don't forget that the CAE is now gone. I am probably adding 3 gold barbs to the 1 left to make 4 as a group. Then introduce maybe another 3 Zebra danios to the 1...
  13. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    Thanks for the replies.. put a heater in today, 23 degrees, good clean out and filter change and 1/3 water change, bought 3 gold barbs to add to the 1 in there already ... hoping the heater will give a bit more stability to the tank and more choice of algae eaty types now for some more research...
  14. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    Interesting ... The CAE is a Chinese Algae Eater, sometimes called a loach, they are graet at first but get aggressive as they get big. any suggestions for a algae eater of some sort in my tank when its all sorted again something small ! Gaz
  15. K

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    Am i correct in assuming these fish are tropical, i know zebra danios can tolerate room temp, what about all the others mentioned ... I like my Gold barbs, they look good and are pretty active ... why do LFS keep telling us to buy CAEs ? Gaz
  16. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    looks like a task 4 the weekens then Cheers
  17. K

    Alien Abduction ... Disappearing Fish ?

    Hi, i hope someone here can shed some light on this, i have a 30 liter biorb, no heater in the kitchen which stays at about 20-22 degree C. I put two Gold barbs in, then ater a month i put two Zebra danios in, then after another month i put a CAE in (i know that might have been a mistake now)...
  18. K

    Biube Starter

    Good luck with your Biorb, Had mine since 14 sept .. followed instructions in packaging (added the sachets, left for two days to be sure) Added 2 gold barbs at 2 days, left for a month, then added 2 Zebra danios and a CAE ! changed filter at 6 weeks with 1/3rd water change ... all ok so far...
  19. K

    Loach ?

    Thanks Bloo
  20. K

    Fish Dealer

    Cheers flame rooms about 21 degree (day time) Gaz
  21. K

    Fish Dealer

    I am starting to lose faith in the fish shop that i previously thought to be so good ! They recommended the little CAE ( called it a golden sucking loach) since then i have joined u lot and feel that you cant all be wrong when you ID'd the fish as a CAE ... yes , i trust you ! Popped back into...
  22. K

    A Few New Pics Of My Tank

    Nice tank and impressive pictures Gaz ;)
  23. K

    Loach ?

    Me again ! I am starting to lose faith in the fish shop that i previously thought to be so good ! They recommended the little CAE ( called it a golden sucking loach) since then i have joined u lot and feel that you cant all be wrong when you ID'd the fish as a CAE ... yes , i trust you ...
  24. K

    Loach ?

    I can see where the name comes in ! no, no heater , all coldwater fish ... apparantly ? I am growing to like my cae, tried him with a small cucumber bit but he never touched it, the danios and barbs loved it tho Gaz
  25. K

    Loach ?

    Will these ottos live in room temp tank, ie approx 21 - 22 degrees ? Gaz
  26. K

    Loach ?

    Am i being too optimistic in thinking that as it is in a smallish tank, that maybe it wont get big enough to pester the other fish ? It may look thin, but its fatter than when i got it 2 weeks ago... be gentle on me, i've only had a tank for 2 months, kept the water nice and clean, added 1 or 2...
  27. K

    Loach ?

    [ :no: Oh Poo !!!
  28. K

    Loach ?

    so ! LOOKS LIKE THE FISH SHOP SOLD ME A WRONG UN THEN ! Do i take it back (if i can catch it) or keep him till hes about 2" then batter him Only joking of course Gaz
  29. K

    Loach ?

    Come on guys, don't split hairs you knew what I meant !!!!!! lol :S cheers what do you mean thin???? lol, he does feed himself after all :lol:
  30. K

    Loach ?

    Hi all, first post. I wondered if anyone could ID this loach... its a translucent orangey colour, approx. 7cm long and was suitable for cold water ( my tank is 30 gallon Biorb) it lives happily in the tank with two gold barbs and two zebra danios.. so far anyway ! Cheers all Gaz...
  31. loach.jpg

