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  1. B

    New Arrivals :d

    hi i love the pics and the fish i used 2 keep same sorta fish but i have 1 question aint u worryed the arowana is gonna grow up and eat the rest off ur fish :blush:
  2. B

    Looking For Advice On Fish

    hey ty lol my gf nows that angels are cichlids lol but she likes them and apistos u mean rams ??? i was looking in 2 them aswell so eres the question for u if i go for angels and rams i want pictus cats aswell would i b able 2 keep cardinals in the tank for a scool ???
  3. B


    hi i had 1 pictus catfish and my dad had 4 his seemd happyer if u get my jist i was wondering are pictus catfish a comunity fish ???? :S :/ :unsure: ????
  4. B


    ty dicus i apreciate it i left a few posts 1 off them i would love answering :good:
  5. B

    Hi..can I Put

    i had a yellow cichlid in a 8ft tank full off african cichlids i had 1 male 1 female and the femal on her own was aggresive 2wards even the bigger fish in the tank but wen the male and female got mature there was hell on in the tank as they started breeding and the male was attacking everything...
  6. B

    Looking For Advice On Fish

    :good: hi i used 2 have 6 tanks then i gave them up because i became a family guy so didnt have time now i have the time ive invested in a corner tank i used 2 keep malawi cichlids tanganyken cichlids oscars and live barers but my partner i have shown her setups for african cichlids and she aint...
  7. B


    :good: hi im paul i used 2 have 6 tank setup i then gave up keeping fish as i started a family but i recently bought a corner tank so im back in the fish game :fun: