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  1. S

    I think Something is Happening'

    OK So are things under the cycling starting? My Ammonia is 0, my nitites are huge, has been this way for a cpl days. Tanke is 4 weeks old, and i have done regular water changes of about 15 percent Should i just wait for a cple more weeks I hear tha it could take 6 weeks Thanks...
  2. S

    New To the Sport

    I have recently started a small 5 gallon tank for the kids Have live plants 2 tetra, and 4 neons The take was up and runnign for 2 weeks before i added fish MY ph seems to be very alkaline, and 8.5 or even 9 should i be worried my ammonia is at 0.0 to 0.6 i understand that the water...