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  1. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Update: Well, I cranked the heater on my tank, higher than i thought I should, but i'm guessing it's at about 86 or just under now, and the Ich cleared up, before I noticed it really clearing up it was pretty much gone. :) Only one fishy had it bad and he's ok now. I found some "reverse...
  2. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Awe crap, my fish just developed Ich, I know they can't really do that overnight, takes like a week or something, but I spotted it first on my tetra this morning, , so now i have to treat for that too I'm guessing, I'm still doing water changes, hard to do by myself so I had to cut down how much...
  3. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    the only reason I haven't gotten rid of either of them is because I"m hoping tht they will not be full size by April, after which I'll be moving home to a house and be able to have an acquarium as big as necessary, kind of thinking of this one as a "Nursery"...if that makes sense? And no I won't...
  4. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Ok guys so it's been another few days of the tank doin' its jazz, a local fish lover recommended that we use a chemical called "Cycle" which adds the beneficial bacteria to eat the ammonia, it essentially speeds up the cycle. I'll be posting my stats in the next day or so as I get them, gonna...
  5. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Ok, my tank is a 29 gallon tank, and the guy at the fish store informed me the plec will reach approximately 18" (he is about 2-3" now light brown with spots kinda? I think? he's under the log so i can't see him well, and dont' like bugging the fish), I'm pretty sure that is still too big for a...
  6. K

    Bottled Vs. Tap

    In a different topic I mentioned that my ammonia levels are pretty high, like between .5 and 1, and I hear that they should be zip zilch none nada and nothing even. So most people recommend water changes, so for kicks and giggles I checked my tap water and it has an ammonia reading of about .35...
  7. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Test levels thus far: and yep we got one of them fancy pants liquid tester things and read the directions even! Ph: level is an 8, which is "high-ish but not deadly" to balas, which prefer 6-7.8 Ammonia: yeah, oh crap, San Diego water got ammonia added to the water within the last year. Our...
  8. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    Hey guys, yes we are new at the whole fish thingie. And we have had the tank for only 4 DAYS. The little book we got with the kit said that we could add fish after 24-48 hours. What do we need to test?? And what levels do you guys mean when you say post your stats? How would we fix these levels...
  9. K

    Brain Damaged Bala?

    :sad: So my theory is that "Betta", my bala shark, is dying...He swims around ok for the most part, but then randomly, for extended periods of time, will sit there, vertical (i.e. head is pointed down, tail is pointed up) just kind of twitching...I don't know if he does it at night or not, he...
  10. K


    Hey I just got a new tank and a few fish to live in it, one of the 3 tetras got sucked into the filter, poor little guy, got 3 tiger barbs, wicked looking, and a bala shark that swims upside down to eat, but he's special. Anyhoo, I'm a newb when it comes to fish, so if they die, i'll letcha...