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  1. typhoon

    Selling Fish Question

    Hi, i hope im ok to post this here, just a quick question, im shutting down my tank and im not sure where to sell my fish? are there any sites you can advertise on? im not sure if im correct in thinking ebay dont let you sell livestock?   Luke
  2. typhoon

    Fluval Fx5 Media

    Hi, im picking up my new FX5 on wednesday and was wondering what order you stack the media up in and what media you use? it only comes with the white foams around the sides so i think there are three shelves i just need to know what order they should be stacked in from bottom to top and what...
  3. typhoon

    Fluval Stratum Question

    hi, ive just bought 2 4kg bags of this and was wondering if its fine to put a whole bag in with no problems? tank is already running and stocked with discus Tank is a rio 400 best way to add it? possible problems...
  4. typhoon

    Can Anyone Recommend

    where i can get alot of java moss and fern from? dont want to pay over the odds, i was just goin gto buy from ebay but they all seem to be from malaysia and i dont really trust this, what do you think? Thanks luke
  5. typhoon

    Quick Difuser Question

    i have just bought my first co2 system its nothing too large of fancy but reading the instructions it dosent tell me what im wondering, i have the tmc aquagro system now the diffuser has a small white cermic base which im guessing faces upward? secondly the base screws on and off do i need to...
  6. typhoon

    Adding Plant Fert And Co2 To Discus Tank

    is this okay to do? im worried that it will cause the fish too much stress more than anything, the co2 isnt a problem but adding alot of plant fert may be? or am i worrying about nothing Thanks luke
  7. typhoon

    Plec Rehoming

    okay thanks erm how do i edit? Livestock: Common plec 13" Age and condition: erm big fish in healthy state Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: so he stops rippin gmy plants apart Delivery or Collection: collection from leeds Sales price: zero! free! Postage & Packaging: bring your own...
  8. typhoon

    Plec Rehoming

    Hi guys, i have a common plec around 13" and as im revamping my tank and replanting it he now needs a new home, i have a local lfs that will take him off my hands but i thought if someone here wants him then they can have him free of charge providing you show me the tank hes going in and the...
  9. typhoon

    Simple Co2 System Help

    hi im after some help and advice on a co2 system, im wanting my discus tank to be heavily planted, in the past ive had no trouble looking after plants but seeing some of the co2 tanks just makes me think wow! so im after a cheap easy to use co2 system (as im a beginner) my tank is a RIO 400...
  10. typhoon

    Discus Tank Revamp Help

    okay, i have a 400L juwel rio tank, it currently houses 8 large discus, 20ish rummy nose tetras, 6 clown loaches, 6 corys, and a few plecs, one being a very large common ( which im considering getting rehomed) the tanks been running a good few years and is looking tired so i basically want to...
  11. typhoon

    Question Abotu Juwel Backgrounds

    this may be a stupid question but thought id ask! Is it possible to add the juwel structured backgrounds to an already up and running tank? Thanks luke
  12. typhoon

    Id This Plec

    thanks guys/girls, yeah i thought it was a good price as you also say i payed 30 for a 2inch one ish, seems to have settled in now so all good!
  13. typhoon

    Id This Plec

    yeah i agree 114, think the fin is just slightly closed on that pic makin it look "stripey"
  14. typhoon

    Id This Plec

    i think its a L114 any way i bought it yesterday payed £40 and its almost 8 inches, didnt think it was a bad price i payed £30 for...
  15. typhoon

    Change Of Decor In Discus Tank

    it wont siphon, ive had it in nearly 2 years n havent hardly lost any siphoning it out so id be there for ever! think ill try "scoop" the bulk out then siphon the remaining bits
  16. typhoon

    Change Of Decor In Discus Tank

    im not sure where to put this post so ill put it here, basically i have a rio 400 with discus in it, now im keeping all the stock the same but just changed the decor and wondered how people had gone about it before. removing the bog wood etc is simple, but what do people do about removing the...
  17. typhoon


    yea very unhelpfull my apologies
  18. typhoon

    Slate Caves

    looking for a largish corner slate cave any1 no where they sell them??
  19. typhoon

    What Dither With Discus?

    i have glow lights in with my discus, ive got 20 of them and there at 30 degrees and perfectly fine and very active, have had cardinals and neons in past with other fish at around 28 and i dont think neither is hardier than the other if your waters right then its right no problems with either...
  20. typhoon

    New Discus

    i dont think there stunted they were only born in january? and they been fed beef heart n prima sucne were born, think some of it is stress tbh they are looking alot more confident nw there all at the front so maybe things are looking up, thanks for comments about the tank ive just trimemd...
  21. typhoon

    New Discus

    here are the pics some are okay some are bad the discus are near the bottom of the album i noticed the discus are all crowded around the heater not right at top gasping or anything, the larger ones seem to be hanging around the...
  22. typhoon

    New Discus

    i could try that but surely when they were bred in 30 degrees and stayed in the same 30 degrees since they were born then they will be best kept in that temp?
  23. typhoon

    New Discus

    i cross checked all my water stats with the water i bought them from at the lfs, also i made sure the temp was the same as theres 30 degrees, the water has been cycling since last november as i wanted it correct ive checked and checked every other day for the last few weeks to make sure it was...
  24. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    yeah tank is roughly 100 gallons
  25. typhoon

    New Discus

    i hope so
  26. typhoon

    New Discus

    temp is 30 and there is an air pump and stats are ok i think ph is 6.8 atm
  27. typhoon

    New Discus

    only had them a day or so now but some of the tails look a little frayed and split do you think this could jst be stress and settling in?? its not all of them but most and are hovering at top of tank, water stats still fine
  28. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    i was going to do either 50 litre water changes every other day, it dosent sound that much really but its 200 a week ish, or 100 litre water changes every other day, at the moment there still hiding, came out last nite and were in the centre but this morning hiding again :)
  29. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    yeah ive read so much i think thats what putting me worried to be honest, every1 always says diff things, they seem to be very good actually considering only been in tank a few hours the colour is coming threw and they are out at the front so looking good
  30. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    well ive got them the special tetra prima dicus food, and also got 3 packs of frozen food. the guy at my lfs is very good to me chucks alot of free stuff in got all ten yes between 2" to 3" and the food and 3 packs of frozen beefheart and for £110 which i thought was quite good, he also use to...
  31. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    its a rio 400 there 10 juvies there parents were the Red Turquoise type they were born new year
  32. typhoon

    Just Bought Ten Discus!

    turned lights off left them to acclimatize for about 20 mins letting my water in over that time, released now with lights off will try do fotos later =]
  33. typhoon

    Asian Biotope-Esque- Fish Photos

    should you have barbs with a fighter?
  34. typhoon

    What Ph Do People Say Is Acceptable For Discus?

    excellent thats exactly what iw as hoping sum1 would say mine also coems outa the tap at aroudn that thank you
  35. typhoon

    What Ph Do People Say Is Acceptable For Discus?

    alot of books etc say 5.5 to 6.5 but alot of other people say as theyve been bred and bred and are not from the wild no more they are alot hardier than people think? my PH is around 6.5 atm and am jsut getting ready to add my discus. what are your thoughts?
  36. typhoon

    Filter Choice

    u need to get rid of the plec tank is too small for it
  37. typhoon

    Do You Think This Is Ok

    have been getting my tank ready for discus since november now, the water is correct i know that, and i am picking up 10 juvie discus at the end of the week, but i just want some suggestions or opinions on wether my tank can handle whats in there. its a rio 400 tank with an external 405 and a...
  38. typhoon

    Just Thought Id Say

    that no matter how common or cheap you can pic up the common plecs for they are amazing fish, striking patterns and beautiful fish jsut as attractive as some of the more exspensive fish and there great to watch. just thought id say
  39. typhoon

    Plec Id?

    ah kool so i was half rite, its very nice its from sharp pet world it pudsey leeds it was 35quid just about an inch long, yeah ino it will grow quite large will be fine though i have a rio 400 thanks for all the input guys. btw pet store had no more left but sed he had like 5 and they sold very...
  40. typhoon

    Plec Id?

    was labeled up as a L048 which i kne wit wasnt so am thinkin L114 or L014?? hope these links are the correct ones luke. sorry for bad pics not particularly a great cam i have