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  1. C

    Flower Pot Coral

    Any reason why they do this? A test kit I have is telling me that all my water values are fine...
  2. C

    Flower Pot Coral

    With the direct feeding, will they eventually get all their zoo's back or do I have to direct feed for the rest of the corals life (or until my patience runs out)?
  3. C

    Flower Pot Coral

    Here is the coral Before: After: Any way to get it back to its full glory? It is placed in a...
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    Mystery Corals...

    For the Trachyphilia (the greenish one), what kind of tank placement should it have? High/low light/waterflow? I have had it for a couple months now and it is no longer puffing out like it used to. I was not aware that it had to be fed when I bought it and its mouth looking parts are not open...
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    Mystery Corals...

    I got these guys from the LFS but I don't know what they are. Can anyone help ID them?
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    Flower Pot Coral

    Thanks for the replys. I have the "Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit" by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and all the water parameters that it tests for are good (pH, NH3, NH4, NO2, NO3). I have some nice before and after photos of it I'd love to show you guys, but I have no idea how to post...
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    Flower Pot Coral

    I have a flower pot coral that isn't what it once was. When I first got my tank it was opening up all the way, it was full of color, and a clownfish had claimed it as its own, and it stayed like that for well over a month. Now, for the past couple months it is hardly opening up and its color...