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  1. W

    What Is The Formula To Calculate Fish Volume...

    Here is how i calculate how many fish. 1 inch of fish per gallon of water for fish that stay less than 6 inches, and 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons of water for fish that get bigger than that.
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    Zebra Danio's And Neon Tetra's Compatable?

    Yes these fish are generally ok together. You will need to keep large schools of each kind the keep them happy and healthy. The larger the tank the larger the school.
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    Imagine These In Your Living Room!

    Wow those tanks are terrible for fish tanks. Whoever manufactured those wasnt thinks about anything but the look. Look how close they would be to the celing for on1, and how the heck would you clean them, how would you reach the gravel? You would have to get a step ladder just to turn the light...
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    Snail Overload

    Its a possibility that they came from the snails that you already have but if you got any live plants or fish from a lfs that had snails that is more likely where they came from. Getting fish that eat them is going to be the better bet, the cucumber thing works but it doesnt get rid of the egg...
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    Help Me Decide - Please

    I definatly vote other because both the red tail cat and the snapper are going to get way to big for any kind of pond that you would have, plus they would eat anything and everything they were kept with. If you want turtles go with some type of slider turtles but make sure they are not illegal...
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    Location Poll?

    West Florida USA, i think that makes 4 of us so far from Fl.
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    Pest Snails, Or No?

    Hey not to burst your bubble but sometimes that doesnt work either, I have know people who had snails, took the tank down for a year and when they reestablished it they had snails again. Snails suck! well lets rephrase that, those pesky snails suck.
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    Does Carbon Need To Stay Wet?

    Carbon is made to absorb things out of the water. being dried will not release the impurities filled inside the pores. But like Majjie stated above when you put it back in the impurites might be jared loose and reenter the water. But since the pores will be emptied then they would just be...
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    Bubble Eye Goldfish

    Well I am no expert but I wouldnt wait until he gets 10 inches to move him. Most 10 gallon tanks are 10 x 20 inches and he would have a heck of a time being comfortable turing around, plus gold fish require twice as much water volumn per fish than small tropical fish, so at 5 inches he would be...
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    Myth Busters

    This is totally off subject but flame i keep staring at your pic and cant for the life of me figure out what it is. Im sure it is obvious but i just cant see it. sorry it is just bugging me.
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    Pest Snails, Or No?

    I agree with strawberry and chibi as well. Those of us who know what these snails can do are wondering why you are even gving them a chance. It only tanks one snail to make baby snails so if you have a dozen or so and each of them decides to reproduce one night you will have over a hundred, and...
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    Baking Soda

    Here is some information I looked up for you to help. "How do I make changes? To raise KH and pH, add baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). A baseline recommendation is 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water (dissolve in a cup of aquarium water if adding directly to the tank). For an established...
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    Which Catfish, Or Plec?

    Wow what a resemblence the three of them have to each other. I could see where a pet store or person could get the 3 of them confused or think they were the same fish. Thanks for the link i learned alot.
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    Another Lfs Story

    I work at a lfs and the a few of the people know quite a bit, one guy who knows alot justs lets people buy what they want without telling them why or why not those fish should go together just because he says its easier than dealing with them and trying to explain it all if they know nothing...
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    Which Catfish, Or Plec?

    Yeah i just did some more reading and figured that out, but the thing i was reading said that flying foxes were siamese algae eaters.
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    Would This Be Cruel?

    Wow this topic has lots of differances of opinion. Bettas have lived for many years in different sizes of aquariums. Of the bettas I have kept the ones I had in a 20 gallon tank always stayed in the top corner and hardly swam around, the ones I have kept in 1 gallon tanks swam freely. It all...
  17. W

    Are These The Same?

    The rubber-lipped plecs usually stay under 5 inches and are relativly easy to find and inexpensive.
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    Which Catfish, Or Plec?

    I am guessing that the chinese algae eater and the siamese algae eater are the same, and their personality sucks. They only eat algae for a short time and then become agressive towards other fish. I do not recommend this fish to anyone ever. (Not to knock your sugesstion dwarfgourami)
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    Water Analysis

    To raise the KH without raising the GH, add sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), commonly known as baking soda. 1/2 teaspoon per 100 Liters raises the KH by about 1 dH. Sodium bicarbonate drives the pH towards an equilibrium value of 8.2. I got this off of a website so I hope it helps if you want to...
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    Caffeine + Fish = Dead?

    Do you mean the caffeine thing is true? I dont know anything by fact but I would assume that it would not be good for the fish. Just look what it does to people and all of the caffeine overdose victims that are showing up at the hospital. I think that the caffeine would speed up the fishes heart...
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    Fluval 404

    If you can but I fluval 404 for $100usd I would by it up, maybe two and sell the other to someone else. They are around 170 or so in the stores I believe. I have never used the 4 series of the fluval models but I have used their previous 3 models. I did love how well it filtered but what I didnt...
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    Rts Wont Let The New Jack Dempsey Out Of His Rock.....

    Well I wish I could help but I had exactly the same problem with my RTS. I had a tank when I was younger with south America and African Cichlids together(I didnt know any better), and my red tail kept my jack inthe top right corner all the time and the africans just stayed in the rock, I had to...
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    They do prefer to be kept in groups, but keep in mind that they can get a little large.
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    Vets That Deal With Fish

    The vet I worked for in Indiana saw the occasional fish. She sees all exotics, well except for skunks and monkeys.
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    Probably A Stupid Question...

    If alot of water has evaporated and you only "topped-off" since your last test will make it go up.
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    Ammonia Is Now At 0 But Nitrite Is At 5ppm?

    Just keep letting it cycle. I personally wouldnt add any more fish until it is at zero but it will go away on its own.
  27. W

    This Is One To Get You All Thinking.....

    Depening on the actual size of the aquarium you are looking for PetSmart sell this awesome tall tank. It is a 47 high. It is I believe 18wx18Lx24h. The sand is approx the same. So the fish would be able to be at, above, and below eye level if sitting in a computer chair. It has a very nice...
  28. W

    What Kind Of Catfish/shark Is This?

    Hey my feeling are hurt :( He didnt quote me as having the right fish. Granted my page was in some crazy language but it is the same fish. We sell them at the petstore where I work. When he described it as having the face like a pangasius catfish I thought I knew what he was talking about and I...
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    Tank Moving

    Hi admins, I wonder if you should make the moving a fish tank a "pinned" article at the top of the page so people could just go there to read about it instead of having to make a post and you sending each of them the same information. Just a hopefully helpful thought :)
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    Hole In The Head

    I personally would treat until I saw a signifigant(sp.) change in the "hole". It also depends on why he has the whole in the head disease. Is it because of poor water quality/stressful conditions or because of the parasite that has also been know to cause the issue. If it is because of the water...
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    Sorry For Being A Spaz

    You take the lenght x height x width(in feet) which equals the cubic feet, then you take the cubic feet x 7.5, and you get the number of gallons. US gallons that is.
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    What Kind Of Catfish/shark Is This?

    Does he look like this?
  33. W

    How Often Do You Test Your Water?

    Yeah I was really bad about testing my water with new or old tanks. I think I had it tested initially when I set it up and then maybe once a year just out of curiosity. I never have had any problems with any of my fish tank or fish dying so I just never think to test it. My last tank was a 47...
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    Just Wanted To Share...

    Since I work at a fish store I always make sure I tell people how it is really going to be when they are buying any fish, and why they cant put this with that and how big they will really get and so on and so forth. Sometimes I even refuse a sell because the people are just being a**holes and...
  35. W

    Under Gravel Filter?

    I would assume that as long as the gravel didnt fall through the grate and you had the proper rotation of water through it then it wouldnt matter. The under gravel filter is not meant to pull large pieces of "trash" through it, it is meant to be a housing unit for benificial bacteria to grow and...
  36. W

    Something I Spotted On A Website

    There is a girl I work with that swears by this stuff called Biospira(sp?). She says that you can add it and the next day you can fill your tank to its full fish load and all will be well. She tells them not to buy cycle, stress-zyme, etc. because they are a waste of money and to go buy this...
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    Blood Parrots?

    I have red that they a a cross between a red devil/midas cichlid and something else. They cant close their mouths all they way but it doesnt make them any less dangerous to unexpecting fish. They would not be the best choice for a community tank especially a small one. I think they can reach 6-8...
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    Bottled Vs. Tap

    Well I think you should call the water company as well about the ammonia in the tap, so now you have it comming from 2 different sources which is deffinatly going to make it high in a new tank which hasnt been cycled. If the fish are stressing from it do a small water change but pre treat the...
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    Barefaced Fish Info Lies!?

    Where I work they label comets, shubunkins, and sarassa comets only getting 8 inches and all others( ryukins, orandas, moors) only getting 6 inches. Nice huh. I tried explaing to a woman the other day why she couldnt keep 2 black moors in a 1 gallon, and she proceeded to tell me "well my friend...
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    Wow Look! Another Horrable Dyeing Method!

    Horrible, absolutley horrible I tell ya