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  1. N

    Comment On The New Newsletter

    I'm all for freedom of speech, and intelligent debates, and people learning from their own mistakes. But I don't think I'm being understood here. In my original post, what I was asking for was more of a warning than "So since the organs don't keep growing, it's probably alright to stunt fish...
  2. N

    2 Questions

    How soon after spitting fry will a yellow lab breed again? My mama yellow lab spit the fry oh...what...4 or 5 days ago? And it looks like her pouch is filling up again already... Also, with green terrors, how big do they get before starting to show the red on the fins of the males? Thanks.
  3. N

    New Boys In Town, Couple Of Id's

    I don't have the foggiest, but want to send me a few of those? :hyper: :drool:
  4. N

    Comment On The New Newsletter

    Oh believe me, I am impressed enough with the newsletter, and will continue to read it (well, what topics are interesting to me anyway). But OohFeeshy articulated what I meant to say: "it is probably better for people who don't know any better ... to think that by stunting something 'really bad'...
  5. N

    Comment On The New Newsletter

    eh no...did not see that. I guess by the time I got half way through I was a little incensed that there was no big warning across the top of the article or something... I working in a job where you have to assume that *everyone* is an idiot, and therefore, treat them that way...including idiot...
  6. N

    Comment On The New Newsletter

    The article about stunted growth in the 1st edition of the newsletter has me worried. TFF 1st Edition Newsletter: Myth of the Month I'm scared that people are going to read it and think that they can go buy traditionally big fish, put them in a small aquarium to stunt their growth, and this...
  7. N

    Best And Cheapish Rocks For Mbuna Setup?

    Geez Biff...if it weren't so darn expensive to ship rocks, I'd say send some over to Alberta! Got my slate out of the mountains...2 huge bags, and it wasn't nearly enough. For anyone 'lifting' rocks, just remember to 'sanitize' them first. Boil them, bake them, etc. to get the local organisms...
  8. N

    Siamese Algae Eaters W/ Africans

    I've had my two SAE since way before I ever got cichlids. They are about 4 inches long now...pretty big suckers themselves hehe. Never ever seen any fish pick on them at all. Running with 4 Rusty's, 3 yellow labs, and a few inch-long guys I got this week. Have previously had a red top that I had...
  9. N

    Whats This?

    Hey Dru...yes, rusty's they are. Just found in another post. And yes, base brown, with orange tinge to tips of fins and opalescent purple given the right light. Not the most eye-catching when you're strolling past a tank, but very beautiful when you stop to actually look at them.
  10. N

    Fish Id :)

    Thank you. That id'd mine for me. Rusty it is
  11. N

    Whats This?

    Is that the same as this fish? I have the one that size, and 3 about an inch long. The small ones I bought this week, and they came out of a tank marked 'Red Zebra' but from what I'm seeing, that ain't no red zebra, so I'm curious what it actually is.
  12. N

    Mama Yellow Lab Killing Babies? Advice Asap Please

    First experience with cichlid can you tell? It actually surprised me to find out mama was holding. I hadn't seen anyone paying particular attention to her, and I hadn't exactly been keeping ideal conditions in my tank. And from my understanding, you really need to keep ideal...
  13. N

    Mama Yellow Lab Killing Babies? Advice Asap Please

    My mama yellow lab had been holding for a few weeks, and of course I forgot to keep track of when I noticed. Well, Saturday (2 days ago) I got a fish net breeder (boxy shape with a net thing that goes over the frame...) and put mama in there. Well, I got her in there just in time cuz she started...
  14. N

    Dead Fish, Sick Fish And Wacky Parameters

    will check my water parameters again later, but looks to be clearing up. No fish have died (but my 3 inch cana snail died), my black ghost knife fish looks better, although not hiding like he usually does. Puffer appears to be on the mend. He's still quite bloated, and stays at the very top of...
  15. N

    Dead Fish, Sick Fish And Wacky Parameters

    The closest picture I could find (With limited time) is this: The largest one there is pretty close to mine, minus the bio-wheels. I DID have bio filters in there, but I found even with cleaning them, I was getting absolutely no...
  16. N

    Dead Fish, Sick Fish And Wacky Parameters

    After reading some of the other emergencies on here, I'll add some information in hopes of not needing to waste time by being asked later. Feeding routine: 3 or 4 days, daily, then skip a day. Food is tropical flakes, sinking shrimp pellets, floating cichlid pellets, frozen blood worms and...
  17. N

    Dead Fish, Sick Fish And Wacky Parameters

    Tank size: 55 gallons pH: 7.4 +/- ammonia: 0.1 nitrite: 0.1 nitrate: 50+ ? kH: gH: tank temp: 80 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): see list of inhabitants below also, have had 2 brown ghost knife fish die in the last month or so...