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  1. N

    What Type Of Cichlids For This Aquarium?

    What type of cichlids am I able to get for this 30 gallon long aquarium, if any?
  2. N

    What Type Of Cichlids For This Aquarium?

    What type of cichlids am I able to get for this 30 gallon long aquarium, if any?
  3. N

    Tetra Tank

    i think the general rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon, but bending the rules slighty more has never caused any sort of problem for me.
  4. N

    What Type Of Fish Should I Get?

    I was actually thinking about getting a small shoul of glass catfish maybe 3-4 and a larger shoal of neon/cardinal tetras 10-15, would this work?
  5. N

    What Type Of Fish Should I Get?

    Thanks for all your suggestions guys. Keep 'em comin.
  6. N

    What Type Of Fish Should I Get?

    I recently got this 30 gallon long aquarium, and had 3 african cichlids in it, I but had to return them due to their aggression towards each other. I was just wondering what kind of fish would go nicely with my set up. Here are a few pics...
  7. N

    What Kind Of Fish In My New Aquarium?

    I recently got this 30 gallon long aquarium, and had 3 african cichlids in it, I but had to return them due to their aggression towards each other. I was just wondering what kind of fish would go nicely with my set up. Here are a few pics...