Search results

  1. H

    3 Females - Community Tank

    Well, I suspect it depends on the bettas' personalities. I have had two females in the same 10 gallon (divided and one on each side of course) for a few weeks, and they seem to have gotten used to each other. I got another female and put all three of them together in the 10 gallon (divider...
  2. H

    Siamese Fighter Ill

    From what I know, that sounds like popeye. As for treatment, here's a quote from As far as Ampicillin goes, there's an edible gel version of Ampicillin sold in Petco.
  3. H

    My Female Bettas Set Up...

    o_o Um, I only have three, not four? Should I maybe just get two more females and give them the whole 10 gallons instead? It's plausible, just not wallet-happy.
  4. H

    My Female Bettas Set Up...

    Yes, I am keeping a VERY close eye. The tank is 8 gallon because I divided my 10 gallon so that I can put a male in the 2 gallon section too. If it doesn't work, I can remove the divider, put the male in his own separate 2 gallons and try giving the girls the whole 10 gallons. The issue of...
  5. H

    My Female Bettas Set Up...

    Wait?! Then why were people bagging on me for trying to keep 3 females who are only 1.5" wide in a 8 usg tank?! Definitely not cool. I was worrying about having to buy new tanks.
  6. H

    I Want A New Betta

    There's a DIY tank divider link in the FAQ section, but I didn't do mine that way (seems way too complicated for me). What I did was get some report cover holder (you know, the slide ones) and silicon glued those holders onto my tank. I just cut the plastic craft mesh things to the size of the...
  7. H

    Squee My Copper Female Came In Today

    Sorry about the delay; school happened. Anyways, what do you know! My copper female is... CAMERA SHY! She is so scared of the camera. In fact, she's still horizontally striped from the paparazzi attempt. On the other hand... April says hello! Got her this weekend from... wadyano, WALMART...
  8. H

    1 Gallon Tanks

    ME TOO! I have exactly that same last 1 gallon! I have since moved my bettas to a 5 gallon and a 10 gallon, but I rescued a little veiltail not too long ago and put him in the 1g. :) He's quite happy, blowing bubbles all the time. He's my desk/study buddy.
  9. H

    Squee My Copper Female Came In Today

    Hahah! (: Yes, I need to think of a name for her. I welcome input! I like interesting unique names. I really want to take pictures but (1) my camera is charging (still); forgot to plug it in, stupid me. (2) I am visiting home this weekend! I asked my roommate to feed my fish, but I am still...
  10. H


    WOW, that's awesome! :hyper: I didn't know that! Maybe I should consider transferring to Cornell!
  11. H


    :hyper: YAH, I almost forgot to ask for a sibling pair. Thanks, you're awesome. Vet school sounds so hard, but I was very inspired after interning at SNU during the summer and spending a few months with some students who already earned their DVMs! Heheh, of course, I aiming for Cornell too...
  12. H


    On one hand, I kind of wish I got a sibling male from Jenn when I ordered a female, but I <3 this fella. :blush: He would be $35 more than I would've paid for one of Jenn's, but I guess he would be worth it? So yea, I'm going for it. But yikes, I spent so much money the past few months...
  13. H


    Yes, a lot of chemistry and a lot of biology (I love biology and chemistry is starting to grow on me) but math is actually minimal here. I only need to take 2 quarters plus a quarter of statistics. I actually like math but I would rather take more biology classes instead. And vet school is so...
  14. DTsanyarosetail.jpg


  15. STrosetail.jpg


  16. H


    Oooh, good call. I will try sending him a message if he has any brothers from the same spawn. *crosses fingers*
  17. H


    Yea, I've been looking around aquabid and looking at different people's websites, but dunno... :-( None compares to that copper rosetail betta for me. I really wanted him oh so much. I will just keep searching aquabid + ebay religiously until I see another one that just captures my heart.
  18. H

    Filter Question

    I use the DIY current killer method. Cut up a plastic water bottle and curl it around the outflow. I use it for both the marineland eclipse system and the tetra whisper in-tank system. Works fine, I believe.
  19. H


    I can be done in two more years (after this, that is), but the thing is I will probably go to Korea for a year after I graduate so that I can work-intern at Seoul National University's Veterinary School. (SNU, where Snuppy was born! :D I saw him, he's REALLY cute!) And then once I come back...
  20. H

    Squee My Copper Female Came In Today

    (: My copper female from luvmybetta came in today! I just put her back in the tank to get to acclimated, so she's still stressed and barred. I totally ditched my Japanese lecture class for her. (: I would post pictures, but my camera battery is charging, so maybe later!
  21. H

    1.5 Gallon Tank With Filter Acceptable?

    Dunno, with a 1.5 gallon, I would say just take the filter out and do 100% change more often. At least that's what I've been doing with my 1 gallon. My betta in there seems much happier that way. He's been making a lot of bubblenests since.
  22. H

    They Finally Came!

    Uhoh, hope we don't have a rule like that. If not, that's when I'm moving out and renting an apartment or something.
  23. H


    Only pet store around here is Petsmart. No Petco, as far as I know. I have been looking for a LFS (yes, it's an acronym for local fish store) around here, but have not been able to locate one yet. Will just have to visit the one back in my hometown when I go up to visit my parents once a...
  24. H


    (: I am Korean. I love him toooo! But I don't know, I have 20 hrs as of now to think about whether I will really get him. $25 for the fish alone (that's what the auction is at now anyways; I bet it'll go higher), $5 for transshipping, and then $25-$35 to ship. That's $55-$65. I don't know...
  25. H


    (: Me too, kinda. I'm reading reading reading, researching researching researching so that I can get into breeding next year (maybe summer?). I have also started gathering up tanks via craigslist (<3 I love cheap/free good tanks.) but yea, genetics is taking a while to get a comprehensive...
  26. H

    Identifying Females

    (: I will be getting a 10 gallon tank today, with heater, filter and some misc stuff. $10 via craigslist, I love that site. (Heheh, bad me though. Our dorm room is cramped enough as is, but I'm going to somehow make room for the new tank. Maybe I'll just clear off my desk and make it a tank...
  27. H

    Should I Breed Them?

    But that's the thing. Bettas are not simple fish to breed! If it's money and simplicity you want from breeding fish, maybe you should look into guppies. I have been considering that too, because guppies are really cute, are just about as colorful as bettas, and apparently, they're easier to...
  28. H

    Should I Breed Them?

    Well, I say you should be able to identify by yourself what type of fins your bettas have before you should start breeding. If you aren't sure, how are you going to identify your male and female fry? How are you going to know to separate them when they get older? Anyways. I highly discourage...
  29. H

    Aquabid Bettas

    Umm. It does cost about that much when you want to ship a fish. I emailed Lina Olson, the person who handles fish imported from other countries, about shipping, and this is what she replied: Priority Mail is not a good options because there is a bigger chance that they can die in transaction...
  30. H

    The Best Of Aquabid :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: If only...
  31. H

    Should I Breed Them?

    Please please please don't! If it's $2.50 you want to make, go mow a lawn for someone or dog-sit for someone. Also, you can't just "sell 5 fish a week." They don't stop themselves from growing just for you. LFS usually want older fishes so that the adult bettas can show off their fins and...
  32. H

    The Worse Of Aquabid

    :( Yea, Petfish scares me. I considered buying a white female from him, simply because he lives so close to me (I can pick it up myself directly with no shipping involved) and that they're pretty cheap. They're about as cheap as Petsmart and they're a bit more varied (Petsmart would never have...
  33. H

    My Boys!

    I wouldn't say the personality difference is because they're veiltail and crowntail. It's just that different bettas have different personalities, regardless of their tail type, I say. The first betta I had, he seemed to hate bloodworms, actually (surprisingly). The two crowntails I have...
  34. H

    My Boys!

    Don't know about fighters, but that one on the left looks like a veiltail and the one on the right looks like a crowntail. :) I have two crowntail boys myself. <3
  35. H

    You Help Me Decide!

    Hehe, was just looking at the list again and Lore and Lachesis are awesome names too! :] Hope you don't mind again but between Lore and Amarette, whichever you choose to use, I think I may use the other! :D You have a GREAT taste in names. If I am ever in a name crisis, I'll come here to...
  36. H

    The Best Of Aquabid

    Oh my god! The gold butterfly delta is GORGEOUS! :drool: :drool: :drool: Wow. I can't get over how gorgeous he is. ;__; *CRY* If only I had the money ( :sad: $50), space and time... *cry* Edit: Omg, didn't see that you added a golden one too. ;_______; I want to baul my eyes out because...
  37. H

    The Best Of Aquabid

    :\ Was just wondering if anyone's seen any white DT females lately. I'm really interested in one but haven't seen many except for as part of pair from Petfish (who I am not sure if I can really trust; saw a discussion on this somewhere but haven't read up on it). :/ But she wasn't one that...
  38. H

    Is This Normal

    :blink: That's like cup-size! Heck, I think the cups my Petco bettas can in look bigger than or similar to that! I too hope it wasn't that.
  39. H

    Free 20g Package Of Hikari Micro Wafers

    Edit: SORRY, THIS OFFER IS ONLY VALID FOR MAILING ADDRESSES WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES. :) Just wanted to let you guys know that there is a promotion being held by Hikari for a free 20g package if you just mail in an empty case of flake food. For...
  40. H

    Is My Betta Dying?

    Ah, I almost forgot to say. You said you got your dad to get the siphon for you. If he paid $3.99 for it, like it's usually marked up in Petsmart brick-and-mortar stores, just go online to, print out the $2.24 price of the mini siphon, and go to Petsmart and ask them to pricematch...