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  1. nurglespuss

    First Post In A While - What Happened?

    Dear all, Everything has been chugging along merrily for months, plants growing great, no algae, loads of happy inverts and fish. However, a while back I won a bottle of JBL Biotopol from Practical Fish Keeping and - with its excellent dosage rate for removing the usual nasties from tap water...
  2. nurglespuss

    Jbl External Filters...

    The e700 is behaving again. It's just the e900 I must have a faulty one. I'm in Aberystwyth but will try and get to one! Cheers!
  3. nurglespuss

    Jbl External Filters...

    yup I've contacted JBL no answer yet, been a few days. taking it back isn't really an option as the maidenhead I bought it from is nearly 5 hours away.... I've also contacted them but also recieved no response either. I will take it back if I have no other choice!
  4. nurglespuss

    Mosses Grow Ferns Do Not

    Light has been reduced (comes on for 2 shorter photo periods instead of one long one)
  5. nurglespuss

    Jbl External Filters...

    No, I don't need to do that with my Fluvals (I've in fact, NEVER cleaned them, they've never needed it (being opaque). If I have to do that every month with my JBL's thats going to be a nightmare... But I don't think its the pipes at all now. The e700 has lost some flow but no where near as...
  6. nurglespuss

    Jbl External Filters...

    Hmmmm darn mines missing the seal then, darn. Flowrate has not improved though. No return email yet from jbl
  7. nurglespuss

    Mosses Grow Ferns Do Not

    Righto will do :) Cheers!
  8. nurglespuss

    Please Help Identify This ... This ...

    If thats what you've changed it could well be it :) I'm suffering some thread algae problems as a result of dosing ferts.
  9. nurglespuss

    Mosses Grow Ferns Do Not

    stats: pH 7.2, KH 4/GH 5, temperature 24'C. lights 7am-11pm have arcadia arcpod 11Watt and a BOYU 12" triple T5 over head (with 2 'standard' white tubes that came with it, and one Interpet 'daylight'. The java ferns are tied onto wood with cotton. I've never had them not grow before, and in...
  10. nurglespuss

    Please Help Identify This ... This ...

    Is this a freshwater or marine setup?
  11. nurglespuss

    Jbl External Filters...

    Cont. Hmmm I think th e900 I have may have problems, its making an erratic little 'joosh' noise and has a definate faint hum now.... I've checked it all over, the impeller/axle/holder is fine and clean, theres nothing clogging up the pump hosing, nothing blocking flow internally. But flow rate...
  12. nurglespuss

    Meant As Quaranteen Tank But...

    Cheers :D
  13. nurglespuss

    30L Tank With Light, Heater & Filter (Edinburgh) - Free

    LOL ;p I just resurrected one of these tanks and put a betta in it ;p Dead Thread!
  14. nurglespuss

    Best Snail Mate For A Betta?

    Cheers :D
  15. nurglespuss

    Meant As Quaranteen Tank But...

    I'll hopefully get some better pics soon :) (these are awful!) I very, very rarely name a fish, but this, is Wilbur: I've noticed on much closer inspection he has some white flashes on his fins, and that he's a very messy eater! I'll be popping a snail in with him to get rid of food frags.
  16. nurglespuss

    Need Ideas...

    Yes I'd like some more C. trilis to go with my three, but just cannot find ANY :(
  17. nurglespuss

    Best Snail Mate For A Betta?

    Hi all, Well I've finally been bitten by the betta bug! I've noticed he's quite a messy eater... Which is the best snail to have in with him (29L tank, filtered, 25'C, fake plants)? I've got pink/normal ramshorns, malaysian trumpets and assassins in my main aquarium so can transfer one or...
  18. nurglespuss

    Need Ideas...

    Ah Fab! :D big buggers too ;p
  19. nurglespuss

    Need Ideas...

    Sounds good, but will white clouds and danios get on with the Bettas finnage? my white clouds are a bit nippy... Look forward to seeing pics though :)