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  1. C

    My fish are dying

    I went to the LFS and she said to treat the Ich first. The other problem I had with clumps of slime was probably due to my fault as I did not properly measure the amout of stress coat I put in the water after a water change. I must admit (silly me I know - rather stupid) because the bottle...
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    My fish are dying

    On looking at the fish this morning some of the fish have got worse with white spot. Should I continue to treat for white spot ? Should I treat for ?fungus ? columnaris. Needed to know soon as I am going to the shops shortly and will be near a fish shop. Thanks
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    My fish are dying

    I have now been treating my fish for whitespot for the past 2 weeks. All of my giant cardinal tetras are dead they were really badly infected, 2 guppies and now my inital female platy (although she hasn't looked well for months). Now I have noticed that some of the platy fry (6 mths) have...
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    ? fungus on Cardinal

    I noticed last night that one of my cardinal tetras had cotton wool like substance near his head last night. I thought that I would go and get some meds today but unfortunately it died during the night. When I had a look at it close up I could not see the cotton wool like growth on it and...
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    Female Platy not looking good

    I added some stress coat this afternoon before I added 4 more cardinal tetras. At least she has been out of hiding for the last few days. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks
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    Female Platy not looking good

    I wonder if someone could give me some advice. I have had my tank up and running now for 6 months. I started off with a male and female platy after 3 days she had 13 babies whom are all still alive and well. After her second lot of babies she has become very unwell. She has lost weight and...
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    Spotted Talking Catfish

    I know they are nocturnal but this is ridiculous. My hubby fancied the spotted talking catfish and said it would help with the snails but also by hubby really liked it as well. He first hid under a raised rock then it found some bogwood with a slit in it which it seems to nestle into at a...
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    Female Platy Acting Strange

    Just been on the phone to Dobbies and they said they would take them off me but I wouldnt get my money back or a credit note or anything!! Don't know what I'm going to do now, I suppose I could take back 3 and get females but I wont go back there again. I've been to the ones in Paisley Road...
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    Female Platy Acting Strange

    Thanks for that info, I'll phone and check before I take them back. I got them at Dobbies so I'm not sure about their policy on returns. Hubby likes the guppies but I'm not sure about adding females as I don't want any more babies in the tank! :kana:
  10. C

    Is It Okay to have an All Female and All Male Tank

    My first fish were a male and female platy and 2 days later 12 babies appeared. Since then I added 4 male guppies as I did not want any more babies. As soon as they got in the tank it was frantic - fish everywhere - manic!!!! They totally annoyed the platys - chasing them all night. Things...
  11. C

    Quarantine Tank

    If I put another filter in the main tank for use in the quarantine tank when required, how long would it take for the spare filter to cycle? Just wondered as I would like to get some more fish soon.
  12. C

    Female Platy Acting Strange

    The guppies are males. I must admit I have been wondering if I should take them back as they do seem to chase the platys but the male platy just chases them back. She on the other hand would rather ignore them. When I fed them this morning she did come out of hiding and looked semi happy but...
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    Quarantine Tank

    If I went out and got a quarantine tank what do I need in it? Do I just need a filter and heater? Do I have to have it set up all the time or can I run a filter in the current tank and then put it in the quarantine tank when required obviously making sure it is clean when I return it (just...
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    Female Platy Acting Strange

    I don't have anywhere to put her. I have seen in my LFS some sort of box that you can attach to the tank would this do?
  15. C

    Quarantine Tank

    That's what my LFS said as well but I wanted to find out what others thought. Thanks. :thumbs:
  16. C

    Female Platy Acting Strange

    My poor female platy is looking rather sorry for herself. For the last 24 hrs she has been hiding under the bogwood with her fins close to her body. When lights did go out she did venture out for a while but just stayed still with fins still close to her body. She is one of my original fish...
  17. C

    Quarantine Tank

    Just wanted to know if a quarantine tank is absoulety necessary as I don't know where I would put it. Can you advise.
  18. C

    I thought guppies were non-agressive

    I've got 2 platies and 12 fry in my 100 litre tank at the moment. I just bought 4 male guppies as I did not want any babies. As soon as I eventually put them in, it was a frenzy of fish. The guppies looked like they were trying to bite the platies or just annoying them. I switched off the...
  19. C

    What is the best fish that will

    Can anybody tell me what the best fish is to buy that will eat snails. I have a 100 litre tank. At the moment I have 2 platies and 12 babies. Once my tank has cycled I plan to add 1 ram 1 betta 5 cardinal tetras 5 glowlight tetras. I was told that a spotted cory (Agamyxis Pectinifrons)...
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    cycling with fish

    I wish I had read this forum before I got fish because I would have definitely have done a fishless cycle. I checked my ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and they are all 0 - nothing has changed since Day 0. I did think my ammonia was raised slightly but I noticed today that the tube I use has a...
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    cycling with fish

    I seem to be going through the same thing as Leah. I have been cycling my tank for the past 6 weeks and my ammonia goes up and down from 0 to 0.25. The water is slightly coloured from the bogwood I have in the tank so maybe this accounts for the colour slightly raised? I have 2 platies in my...
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    seems everyone is doing this but...............

    Hi, I'm fae Aberdeenshire but living in Glasgow. Missing the slower pace of life in sunny Aberdeen!! I have friends in Newmachar! Glasgow is a wonderful place to visit and lots of things to do - very cultural! Aberdeen is more beautiful though and definitely a forgotten place to visit so...
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    Silent Cycle

    I must admit I was also getting a bit lazy and only checking levels every 2nd day as I felt nothing was happening and the fish look so happy. After reading all these replies, I think you could be right that I am getting close to cycling. I will therefore check my levels every day and...
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    Silent Cycle

    I was told that a silent cycle is when you set up a new tank and heavilly plant it with good light and CO2 (the plants feed straight away) so any fish or amonia you put in the tank is used straight away by the plants not bacteria! Don't know if this is right or not.
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    Silent Cycle

    Thanks Anna that was very informative. I guess I will just have to wait...wait...wait...
  26. C

    Silent Cycle

    Hi I am nearly into week 5 of cycling my tank. I have a 100 litre tank which includes 2 Platies and their 12 4 week old babies! and more on the way!! Bogwood, rock, pea gravel, Aquarclear 3 Filter, heater, 12 live plants and a few snails (acquired). My Ammonia is 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0 and...