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  1. T

    Grieving Corys

    We're talking about a creature that will gladly eat its own eggs and young. Now that's bonding.
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    Grieving Corys

    When my cories gather around a dead fish, be it another cory or something else, it's to eat it.
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    Substrate ?'s

    I have cories on a gravel substrate, a mixture of one inch pebbles in the back to small 1/4in gravel and all my cories have lovely, long barbels. The barbel erosion has more to do with keeping the gravel clean. That being said, cories do enjoy rooting around in fine sand. When I added my cories...
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    Is Chlorine Really Dangerous?

    I don't bother dechlorinate when I top the tank off, at most I'll put 2 liters in then. In my 29 gallon tank the chlorine dilutes and quickly evaporates. I do use dechlorinator when I do a water changes, however, mostly for the heavy metal binding benefits. I doubt organic matter has anything...
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    Barbels Gone!

    My tank has a gravel and sand mix and all my cories have, long beautiful barbles. Of course, my gravel doesn't appear to be sharp.
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    Why Do Cories Need To Be In Groups

    Like cories, humans are social animals. If you completely deprived a human from any and all human contact, most would go insane. Keeping one cory with other types of fish is like a having contact with only a chimp or gorilla. It's simular but not the same. That's how I'd describe it. Hope this...
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    Wal*mart Fish

    Yes, I agree. Wal-mart is certainly not the best, but I have found the same horrible conditions everywhere I've been, to some extent. It is unfortunate that so many stores treat fish so badly. If mammals were treated this way, there would be hell to pay. I would like to reiterate, that I...
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    Help Plz!

    I'm no expert, but I'd start with Java Fern. Its easy, low-light, and it doesn't live in the substrate. It grows on driftwood and rock. If I can't kill it it's gotta be tough! Hope this helps, Matt
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    Wal*mart Fish

    I do understand. Living in a small town does have its advantages, but also its disadvantages, such as you stated. I keep fancy rats, and the vet around here knows squat about them. If indeed Wal-mart does get out of the the fish biz, and yes I agree, majority of the stores are poor examples of...
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    Wal*mart Fish

    No credit card, and not about to get one and I'm not paying $20 in shipping for neon tetras. And E-bay had screwed me over and over again. If there was LFS, hell, I'd go there but theres not. There hasn't been a decent pet store in the area for over twenty years. And no, Wal-mart has not killed...
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    Wal*mart Fish

    Well, I'm *******. Wal-mart's the only place within a hundred miles to get fish for me. You guys that hate Wal-mart, I'm sorry but I love Wal-mart. Without it everyone I know would be S.O.L. Only place in the area to find many, many things. Don't give me the Mom N' Pop **. Before Wal-mart my...
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    Arobic And Anarobic

    I've also heard of using a long, very small diameter tube. As the water runs through the tube, aerobic bacteria develop at the front end and deplete O2 levels. The anarobic bacteria develop at the lower end. Theory is sound, but I very much doubt if its efficient and the small tube would most...
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    75 Gallon Dwarf Caiman Croc Tank!

    Again very cool, I guess you have to be careful. Don't want food to foul up the water. Grilled chicken's a good idea. awesome!
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    75 Gallon Dwarf Caiman Croc Tank!

    Holy flurking snit! Very cool, I love herps. Course, all I can handle at the mo is Anoles :blush: . I just curious though, what do you feed him? Pinky mice? Adult mice? Goats when he's an adult? :lol:
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    Caffeine + Fish = Dead?

    Hey, don't forget us Canucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush: God bless Canada, the United Kingdom, and The United States of America, as well any other God fearing, Fish loving country.
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    Feeding Cories

    Feeding after lights out will also help. My cories love the Hikari Algea waffers. I know that cories are carnivorous but the first ingrediant is fish meal. My other fish peck at the waffers but the cories get the vast majority of the waffer, I'm sure the TetraMin tablets are much the same...
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    Caffeine + Fish = Dead?

    I have to agree, I don't appreciate being told that I'm cruel to fish just because I'm an American. OR that my entire country is cruel to fish based a on a silly snap assumption. If I dug around, I'm sure I could find thousands of cases of animal cruelty in the UK. Sorry, I love my country and...
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    Live Food

    I use whatever larvae I can find, that's small. And like BigC I've thrown some aphids into the tank, my tetras love those :drool: . Back when I had my oscar, I would give him the odd grasshopper. I don't recall ever feeding ants, but I did once have an Ant Farm. They are a lot of fun, but all...
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    My Halequins do have a slight red hue, but I wouldn't call it intense or close to it. I can tell you they do well in hard water/high pH. My water come out of the tap at 8.0-8.5, and the Rasboras appear to be thriving. If you like Rasboras and want more color, the Hengel(sp?) Rasbora has a...
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    Tom Barr?

    He is more or less a god in planted aquariums. People pay him mega bucks to work on their huge tanks.
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    My Pics From Around Snowdon.

    Absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to visit the UK and Ireland. Land of my ancestors you know! These great pics have gotten me inspired. Maybe I'll post some pics of the San Rafeal Swell. Of course, I doubt a vast desert would be good inspiration for a planted tank, lol.
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    Baensch Aquarium Atlas Question

    I have Volume 3. The info is great, but like everyone says, the later books deal with more rare and obscure fish and plants. It has a great section on trout though :lol: . I guess if I wanted to bring some home maybe. Hey, thats not such a bad idea!! :hyper: Kidding, kidding... My cousin did...
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    Breeding Corys In A 10 Gallon Tank

    FYI, They're called pantyhose, I know, stupid name :fun: , but yes the tight weave is good for such things.
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    Where So You Get Your Stuff?

    Pretty much all my supplies and fish have to come from Wal-mart. Not a "LFS" within 120 miles, and no, I can't order online, as I have no credit card. I HATE E-bay, I've been ripped off far too many times. I might try Aquabid, but I loath E-bay. :grr: -shudders-
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    What's The Biggest Freshwater Aquarium Fish You've Ever Seen?

    I have to agree with SLC Flyfishing, the Cabela's in Lehi, Utah has some awesome fish in some massive tank, both cold water and cool water. But I have seen and caught some big stripers in Lake Powell.
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    I love my Glow Lights, but the Neons are great too. It's a toss up between those two.
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    Expensive Corys.

    Hey, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know that Corydoras aeneus could be so varied.
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    Expensive Corys.

    Here's a pic. Certainly not the best, but it'll do, I think. I have a few more, if would like to see them.
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    Expensive Corys.

    I'll try to get a picture as soon as possible. I got them at Wal-Mart believe it or not. It's only place to get fish within 100 miles. Anyway, they had them labeled as "Assorted Corydoras" whatever that means. But I looked them up in my Aquarium Atlas by Dr. Rudiger Riehl & Hans A. Baensch...
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    Expensive Corys.

    I was just wonder how rare Amapa Cories are consided to be? They were they only type of cory I could find in the area, I love 'um though! I think I paid something like US$2.80.
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    Best Way To Transport Fish In A Car?

    They'll probably be ok, but my favorite way to transport them is just on of those cheap styrofoam coolers. There as good at keep heat in as well as cold. Just stuff a blanket or something to keep the bag up right and stable.
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    Senior Moment Or Just Plain Tired

    Fish eating plants would be kind of cool. Of course, I wouldn't want to be the one who had to feed them.