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  1. L

    Stocking Question

    Thanks, that's what I've been doing. And since I put more plants in and did a water change earlier this week, the algae seems to be less. As for adding more fish, like I said, I realize I'm understocked. I was thinking of adding a 2 more of the Black skirt tetras, but then was thinking about...
  2. L

    Stocking Question

    Ok, I've had my tank up for a little over a year now and it was going well until a few weeks ago. I decided that I wanted to try and use live plants instead of the fake ones i had been using since I set it up. I bought 3 plants, set them up and everything seemed to be going ok. However, now I...
  3. L

    Stupid Me

    Darkentity, The reason I wanted to stay away from the dwarfs was due to the fact that they are considered a more fragile fish. From all the reading I had done, as long as the Pearl was the only one in the tank, there shouldn't be any problems. Since the Pearls tend to be larger than the 3...
  4. L

    Stupid Me

    Thanks for the responses. Looks like I'm heading back to the store monday to get a couple of more fish. I'll have to look and see what other colors they have. Guess I didn't screw up as bad as I thought I did.
  5. L

    Stupid Me

    Thanks for the reply's. The Gourami has been in the tank since Sunday night with no problems. But I realize that it could just be settling in and will eventually become a terror. So far, though, the Platies seem fine. After looking online, it appears that the albino danio is really a gold...
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    Stupid Me

    Emmzer, thanks for the response. I just got back from the store and it appears that I have ended up with an albino danio as the mystery fish. That's going to have to go back, unless someone feels that I can add a couple more of them. Again, any advice would be appreciated. This is my first...
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    Stupid Me

    Ok, I have spent the last month doing research and making sure that I picked up the right fish for my new tank. I wanted a Gourami, since I thought they looked cool. I had decided on a Pearl, since they are peaceful and I figured it would get along with my 4 Platies. Well, being somewhat...
  8. L

    Stocking For A 29 Gallan Tank

    I have a question on stocking my tank. The tank is currently cycling with 4 Platy's. Everything looks good, Ammonia is 0, Nitrate is 0 and Nitrate is about 10. I have a couple of fake plants in the tank and a sunken lighthouse. I am not sure what other fish to put into the tank. I was...
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    Another Newbie

    Hello, I'm new here and kind of new to keeping an aquarium. I had tanks about 20 years ago when I was kid, but things have definately changed. I'm currently cycling a 30 gallon tank with 3 Platys. Don't flame me on that, I didn't realize and took the advice from one of the chain pet stores...