Search results

  1. K

    Green Terror Acting Strange.

    I have a male and female green terror, this shaking is both a sign of mating time and aggression, my gts have laid about 3 batches of eggs this last year, havent had any yet this year. the male only seems to get aggressive when he wants to mate, but he hasnt killed anything yet,
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    Clown Loach Fight

    how big are those clown loaches they look big
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    Some Newbie no-nos

    I have to Disagree with 4. and i disagree with 7 for the most part. PH is something every fish keeper should be aware. and should be aware of how to properly raise it in a tank with fish in it already, for instance if there is a drop or jump in PH, but then at the same time i agree with you...
  4. K

    Pics Of My Gt's And Other Fish

    here are pics of my fish GT's, green severum, convict, lima shovel nose, eclipse cat, stonefish, tiger botias, clown loach ok guys you will have to go to the above address by copy and paste and then go to the pictures tab on the left side
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    Lights And Algea

    i simply have not algea in my tank whatsoever, and i like as close to natural habitat settings as possible, i guess its all what someone likes there tank to look like. and my pleco doesnt really eat algea wafers, so looking for a natural source of food for him.
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    Lights And Algea

    currently i have 180 gallon tank downstairs in my basement it is the only thank in the house that does not have algea in it, and is in a room where it cannot get direct sunlight, so my ? is whats out there for light bulbs that can closely resemble sunlight maybe to stimulate some plant or algea...
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    Frogmouth catfish

    well everything i have in my tank is over 6'' except for my clown loaches and tiger botias, which are going in another tank soon anyways, my tank is 180 gallon, and i have lots and lots of filtration, can i ask what the chaca cost you, so far pet stores have been unable to give me a price. do...
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    Frogmouth catfish

    LOL man i didnt even look at the date of the thread, i just did a search cuz im trying to find a frogmouth cat, does anyone know of an online store where i can order one?
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    105 Gallon Stocking Plan

    i think you will be fine but each fish has its own personality, I have 180 gallon tank with one 10'' GT, a 6-7'' JD, one 7'' shovel nose cat, one 7'' green severum, two 4'' tiger botias, two 3-4'' clown loaches, and two 4'' spotted armored cats. and when i drop in a few feeder gold fish The JD...
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    Frogmouth catfish

    where did you find him at ive been looking for one here in NC for over a month and cant find one, is it true that frogmouths mess with ur PH, i currently have a 180 gallon aguarium, with 1 Male Green Terror 10",,, 1 jack Demp 6",,, 1 green Severum 6",,, 2 comman plecos 5'' 1 shovel nose cat...
  11. K

    Need Chaca Cat Feeding Advice!

    just curious as to where you got you chaca, i have been searching all over for one for about a month now and cant find one, did you order him online, how big is he?