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  1. Gibbo

    This Seems Strange To Me

    Also, Cucumber, despite being a popular Bristlenose (and other 'Pleco') food is low in nutrients. Try Kale, after freezing or balanching, as contains far more vitamins. I agree with prev post, maybe they are full up and content with the other foods. :good:
  2. Gibbo

    Name Of Pleco

    Don't you mean guerillas? I have some very funny images going round in my head at the moment lol :lol: On a more serious note, why not go for something like a Watermelon Panaque (L27a, L330), colour form of the Royal Panaque, which is not too common but much more affordable (in the region of...
  3. Gibbo

    Ultimate predator!

    Would need a much bigger tank, but Crystal Eyes Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckii) are real heavy hitters and can really punch above their weight. Good looking fish as well. Also a fish that I would love to keep would be a Bagarius bagarius from India. A cooler river tank would be ideal. Got a...
  4. Gibbo

    Algae Discs = Algae Everywhere?

    You may be feeding too much, as higher nitrate may promote algae. Also look at the lighting regime, how long it is on for, intensity etc. Tapwater can also contain phosphate, so see if your local lfs will do a phosphate test for you. Algae wafers can break up and get blown around the tank...
  5. Gibbo

    Mold On Mopani Bogwood?

    It's a bacterial bloom, and yes, it should subside eventually. Good advice on scrubbing, but not soaking in saltwater, as this could affect some fish species (Neons, Cardinals etc). Mopani wood, like other types of bog wood, will still have parts to it that will break down over time in water...
  6. Gibbo

    New Pleco

    They can be a bit nervous when young and enjoy subdued lighting, it could get up to 12" plus in home aquaria, reported 20" max in the wild. But they are slow growers. Just don't keep them with overly aggressive tankmates, as can be outcompeted for food. Schooling fish are best, gives them...
  7. Gibbo

    Need An Id On My Pleco

    What do you feed your Polypterus? Your plecs would also appreciate the odd bit of meaty food as well, such as frozen prawn/cockle every now and then. They will scavenge on most things in the wild, including fish carcases.... :crazy:
  8. Gibbo

    How Larger Tank Do I Need For My Gibby?

    May end up fighting with the Gold Nugget as well if low on space... that fish alone would appreciate a good territory. Provide plenty of good caves/refuges for both fish, and large, regular water changes. :)
  9. Gibbo

    puffer rareness

    May be a bit seasonal as well, when I see stock lists from our suppliers they don't always have an awful lot available. Sporadic availability, you could say. :)
  10. Gibbo


    You may have to be careful about the Red Tail Black Shark, even in a 20 gallon. If there will be any real competition it will be from this fish because they're highly territorial. The Flash will be no real problem because, although it gets to a slightly larger size than the Zebra it doesn't have...
  11. Gibbo

    Oscar needs help

    Tough one to call. The first thing you should do is test your water. If quality is ok then you look at other possibilities. Was he a tank raised or wild caught fish? If it was reared in a Hong Kong/far eastern fish farm they may (rarely) harbour Anchor Worm. These will be 'buried' into the...
  12. Gibbo

    Panda Cory question

    Gravel IMO is too large. Panda Corys tend to max out at 2", a wee bit smaller than the more commonly available Peppered & Bronze etc. Fine 2mm gravel or sand is much better because there is less chance of barble damage. Feed them the odd catfish pellet (sparingly) in the evening and that...
  13. Gibbo

    What's involved with keeping tire track eel?

    Yep, that about covers it lol :D
  14. Gibbo

    Is my Bristle Nose sick????

    Difficult one to call. Is it feeding well, and if so, what on? Are its eyes sunken in its sockets at all? And is it quite active or pretty sluggish? :)
  15. Gibbo

    Are plec's to big for a 10 gallon tank

    Ancistrus sp. generally only get to 4" or so (with few exceptions) and Otocinclus sp. only get to a couple of inches and are good in 'gangs'. :)
  16. Gibbo

    Bristlenose catfish

    Most fish tend to leave brown 'algae' alone because it is actually bacterial, not plant derived. Check nitrate/phosphate levels and feeding regimes. Also the amount of decaying organic matter in your tank (plants?) and lighting levels may also be a factor. :)
  17. Gibbo

    New Cory hasn't eaten yet

    Corydoras, as a general rule, are shoaling fish happier in groups of 3 or more (bigger the group the better). Impurs suggestion is important also, if a fish seems ill, the first thing to do is reach for the test kit. If water quality is ok then add more of his own kind if space permits. If he is...
  18. Gibbo

    breeding cat fish

    In a nutshell; They are currently too small to breed at the moment. About another half inch or so and they may be ready. Looking from above the females belly (midriff) is wider than the males. Put them in a bare tank (approx 8-10 gallon) with small heaterstat and a basic sponge filter. You can...
  19. Gibbo

    royal Pleco

    Panaque Nigrolineatus is an increasingly popular Loricariid that has been in the hobby for quite some time. It has an almost cartoonish appearance (could almost base a Pokemon on one). They grow to an average length of about 12" in aquaria but get up to 2ft in the wild! They need driftwood in...
  20. Gibbo

    spiny eel

    Small earthworms go down a treat! B)
  21. Gibbo

    freshwater gobies

    Dormitator Maculata is a nice Goby but can get to several inches and will predate on small/medium sized fish. They tend to be periodically available B)
  22. Gibbo

    Dipping new pants in boiling water....

    Will you be wearing the pants at the time Sye :D :lol: :P ;) Seriously though, yes it would kill the plants. Try dipping them for several minutes in a solution of Malachite & Formalin (5ml of each in a gallon of water). This is often used in the trade as a net dip. No doubt other members...
  23. Gibbo

    Sea horse

    Try this link (haven't had time to look at it properly myself, hope it's useful)... :) Seahorses and more....
  24. Gibbo

    Sea horse

    You could also look at some of the Pipefish. Some of these are brackish fish and are related to Seahorses. They are sporadically available, so enquire at your LFS on the possibility of them getting some in. Try this thread on Brackish setups - gives info on Pipefish and other Brackish fish :)...
  25. Gibbo

    Something is definitely wrong :(

    We have Angels at our shop that are only 1-1.5" TL and they live in a pH of 8 and are thriving. I think the key could be a mixture of many factors, not only one or two. Tank bred Angels tend to be tolerant of much wider pH and GH, especially if they're many generations down the line, if you...
  26. Gibbo

    plants for my tanganyikan tank

    One of my customers (who is also on the forum I think) used Anubius sp. with great success :)
  27. Gibbo

    What kinda cichlids does everyone have?

    A pair of Paratilapia Pollini 'Big Spot' from Madagascar (think I spelt that right lol) :D
  28. Gibbo

    live foods for cichlids

    Small to medium sized earthworms are good livefoods as well, packed full of protein :)
  29. Gibbo

    Sea horse

    A difficulty arises with current (very, very gentle, difficult to achieve in Marine setups) and 'fronds' for tail anchorage. They don't 'hunt' food but catch it passing (planctonic animals). Rottifers are needed to feed the young, and thats if you can get them feeding. Saying that though, with...
  30. Gibbo

    pirahnas and freshwater crabs

    Yeah, he means Plecos ;) . Crabs - bit of an unknown quantity with these. Piranha, although known as fish and mammal (rarely though) eaters they will also take insects and other invertebrates as well as more unusual things like fallen fruit and berries in the wild. Thus, crabs, to me, would be...
  31. Gibbo

    What to feed a bass?

    It is important to know wether it is a Peacock Bass or a North American Freshwater Bass. My guess would be the Peacock. Cracking fish but gets BIG and needs plenty of room. B)
  32. Gibbo

    Breeding plecos

    I'd second dolphins suggestion. Visit Planet Catfish and check out all the breeding articles. If you're referring to the 'Common Plec' (Which can be a number of species, Liposarcus, Hypostomus etc) then it really is quite impossible within the confines of an aquarium. These South American...
  33. Gibbo

    striped cory

    Both Platydoras Costatus and Agamixys Pectinifrons are fine with corys and the like. It is just small tetras etc. you have to be wary of keeping with them. They are generally peaceful, fascinating, nocturnal and gregarious fish that can get to 6" or so. They are fantastic scavengers and can...
  34. Gibbo


    Sound like Sterlet A. ruthenus or Siberian Sturgeon Acipenser Baeri. Both get to approx 1m in the garden pond. Sturgeon, like large koi, need very cool water all year round. A deep, plantless, canopied pond is best, as large as you can manage. Good, efficient filtration is a must and good...
  35. Gibbo

    Fire Eels

    Try whole 3" earthworms 3-5 times a week. Should bring on growth and cut down aggression a bit. He will need feeding no more than this. :)
  36. Gibbo

    Best Cory

    Cory Sterbai and Cory Panda/Metae are faves of mine but Corydoras Barbatus should not be overlooked for interest value alone. Part of the Longirostris complex the males, as well as developing bristles on their cheeks, are fiercely territorial and will kill other males. They also prefer cooler...
  37. Gibbo

    can my clown loach question go here?

    Give them time, plenty of it. They're most likely reacting differently to being in a new, different environment. Working in a fish store I know how much different a shop and a house can be for these guys. There are always plenty of noises and shadows and activity in a shop that some fish funnily...
  38. Gibbo


    As many as poss mos. Like the Indian Glass Cat they need numbers, for confidence. This may take time to build. Try putting more branch type bogwood in the tank at an angle to look like submerged roots for cover (away from plants)... they may need total shade to feel happy, but still open bits of...
  39. Gibbo

    keyhole cichlids

    ??!! God knows Mos but logic would say not, the golden rule of not mixing Cichlids from different continents (which gets proven wrong a lot actually) :P :lol: :)
  40. Gibbo

    kuhli loaches

    What colour is it bolsh? :blink: