Search results

  1. K

    Torn Fins - Self-nipping Or What?

    one of my bettas have two rips on his tail. i dont really know if he would be able to reach it. =/
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    How Do You...

    what do you use to siphon a tank? like.. how do you get the water to come through the tube?
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    How Do You...

    siphon a tank? dont you do that if you want to do 50% water changes? just wondering..
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    i have a one gallon tank for both my bettas and theyre okay with it.. i think.. how can you tell?
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    Okay, I'm Thinking I Need To Do This...

    nair looks JUST like my cotton-headed ninnymuggins. they could be twins. hehe.
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    To Anyone Who Is Selling Bettas

    is there anyone here that is selling bettas in the U.S.? if not, does anyone know any sites that sell bettas in the U.S.?
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    Mit My Frothy!

    is mit fluffy frothy her name? my bettas' names are scruffy mcscruffles and cotton-headed ninnymuggins. heheh.
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    Ludo's Swollen Belly

    that happened to my betta. i just stopped feeding him for a while.. i mean.. i still fed him everyday.. just one pellet once a day until his tummy got smaller. :)
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    Some Pictures Of The Bettas

    why are their tails messed up?
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    how do i change the water in my 1 gallon tank? i heard you can "over clean" a fishtank. should i just change the water and not rinse the tank out with hot water?
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    My Fish

    his tummy is so bloated.. i definitely fed him too much.. how long should i wait before i feed him again?
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    i have a 1 gallon tank for one of my fish and it has a filter. should i just stop using the filter? the box says that betta like it too. but i dont know. more info about the tank
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    Fighting Fish

    does anyone make their fish fight?