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  1. J

    This Really Upsets Me...

    Well, unfortunately my betta, JJ, swam off to fish heaven today. He came down with a case of dropsy and I didn't even notice it until 2 days ago. I did what I could to make him comfortable, raised the temperature in the tank, water change, a salt bath, and then added some salt to the tank... But...
  2. J

    Which Filter Is Best For 5 Gal?

    I have the Whisper 3i, a much smaller version of the 10i in my 5 gallon and it works fine. It doesn't take up too much room, but I'd still prefer a HOB filter. Oh well, one day when I upgrade I suppose! Good luck!
  3. J

    Cory Cats Eating Betta Fins!

    How about if I upgraded to a 10 gallon tank, kept the betta and added a few more corys? I don't mind having a bigger tank - but I'd rather not have the extra responsibility of managing two separate tanks... I can get a nice 10 gallon set up for pretty cheap. Let me know if you think that is a...
  4. J

    Cory Cats Eating Betta Fins!

    Help!!! I found one of my spotted corydora catfish nipping at the fins of my betta this afternoon. I had thought that my betta's fins were shred up because he was getting caught in the filter intake, but I'm positive that's not what has been happening. Is there anything else I can do short of...
  5. J

    Betta Keeps Getting Caught In Filter Intake

    I have the Whisper Internal 3i filter on my 5 gallon tank with a male betta and two corydora catfish. However, today is the 3rd time I found my betta's fins torn up and I know it is because he got caught in the filter intake again. This is not a very powerful filter, and I think it is the...
  6. J

    Rubber Anemone Plants...

    Yeah, I know anemones aren't freshwater, but I just liked the way it looked, and it's hard to find soft ornaments that won't ruin the bettas fins. As for the marbles, I added them in hopes the betta might play with them or roll them around, but in finding that he could care less I just added...
  7. J

    Rubber Anemone Plants...

    I purchased a small ornament to go along with the fake grass plants in my 5.5 gallon tank housing JJ, my male betta. The ornament is a small rock with 4 small rubber anemonies attached to it with lots of tentacles. I was hoping the betta would like it, use it maybe to rest his fins on, hide in...