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  1. Z

    Hard Water 29 Gallon

    The water in my 29 gallon tank is very hard. What fish would you suggest for it?
  2. Z

    Can Fish Be Sick

    Of course fish can be sick. But I'm afraid I dont know whats wrong with your Barbs.
  3. Z

    Hard Water

    When did I say I wanted to keep discus?
  4. Z

    Hard Water

    Yes my tank is cycled.
  5. Z

    Hard Water

    I have a 29 gallon tank just in case you wanted to know.
  6. Z

    Hard Water

    The test was from my tank water.
  7. Z

    Small Bichir

    I was just wondering what is the smallest species of Bichir and how hardy is it?
  8. Z

    Hard Water

    Here are the results from the water test I did 5min ago. GH 300 KH 60 PH 8.4 I woul like to make my water softer because my water seems to be to hard for most fish to handle according to most fish profiles.
  9. Z

    Hard Water

    My water is very hard and my PH is high. How do I lower both of these?
  10. Z

    Hard Water

    The water in my 29 gallon tank is extremely hard. How can I make it softer?
  11. Z

    Stocking A 29 Gallon

    Well I've ruled sharks out of the equation. I know I want to breed fish but the only question is what to breed? I know I can control the number of Guppys I have with the "Survival of the Fitist" technique but I would'nt be able to control the number of convicts I have because the adults protect...
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    Upsidedown Catfish

    What do you guys know about the upsidedown catfish? How easy is it to care for? What is the minimum tank size it needs?
  13. Z

    Stocking A 29 Gallon

    Well I'm asking again since I really deid'nt get a real answer last time. What should I stock my 29 gallon freshwater tank with. I was thinking about either breeding guppys or convict cichlids. If I decide to stock it with guppys I put put some corys or loaches in the tank as well. I was also...
  14. Z

    A 29 Gallon Tank

    I'm not trying to make a community take. I plan to stock the tank with either swords, guppys, or convicts. Not all 3 and I only plan to put in corys if I get swords or guppys.
  15. Z

    A 29 Gallon Tank

    What do you guys think I should stock my 29 gallon tank with? I was thinking either stocking it with Convicts, guppy's, or swordtails. If I stock the tank with either guppys, or sowrds I will put in some cory cats as well. I would like to get responses as soon as possible, seeing as I will being...
  16. Z

    As You Have Already Guessed...

    Hi there everyone! I'm the new guy. I've been in out of the tropical fish hobby for about 3 years now, I'm also a reptile enthusiasit as well. I have created 3 community tanks and each one failed. But I'm kind of glad they failed because I know that I wont make th same mistakes again. At the...