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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Nasty White Stuff In My Tank

    does anyone know what this stuff is and how to get rid of it? its all over my tank on the gravel on the plants it looks like some sort of fungus
  2. B

    Puffer Species

    thanks for your quick reply do either of you know a good mail order compony in the uk ? cause my lfs is taking forever to get me a price never mined iv just got 2 from trima deliverd direct to my door greet service the fish are looking realy good just waiting for them to feed.
  3. B

    Puffer Species

    hi everyone this thread has been a great source of info im looking to get a colmesus asellus to go in my community tank which contains silver sharks/scissor tails/angels/neons/clown loaches/RTB/corydoras the tank is 4'x2'x2' planted will this b ok? caroline :)