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  1. N


    Hello, yes the fish devoured the larvae, although i think a few sprouted wings, as we've all been bitten in the house!! Angel fish, silver sharks, neon tetras, and plecs currently inhabit the tank Neil..
  2. N


    Hello again, Problem solved, it seems the 'wriggly thing' are mosquito larvae!! So i've decided to turn heater on in tank and run the filter, it seems mozzies are attracted to still water, i'll know for next time Neil..
  3. N


    Hello I've bought some bogwood/mopani for aquarium, what i've done is soak the pieces in water in an unused tank, i noticed the other day there are lots of these little things wriggling about in water, they seem to float to the top!! Any idea what they are, and have they come from bogwood...
  4. N

    Yellow Tinted Water?

    Hey there We've had some bogwood in tank from day 1, i admit i never soaked it for long, a quick rinse and stuck it in tank!! Thanks for quick reply..
  5. N

    Yellow Tinted Water?

    Hello again, pretty new to all this, so bear with me!! My tanks been up and running now for 5 weeks or so, everything seems to have settled down, except water has turned yellowy in colour, still clear though! I heard waste products can be the cause of this, but is it easy to clear? Carbon...
  6. N

    Seashells In Tropical Tank?

    Hello there New member here, and new to the fish scene!! One thing i've just found out is that seashells (In this case from Cornwall!) are not supposed to be put in a tropical fish setup, is this true?? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks..