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  1. S

    T5 Vs. T8 Bulbs

    Can anyone give me a quick comparison between T5 and T8 bulbs? How are they different? Also, has anyone used T6 bulbs? There are so many varieties... and I am so confused. Thanks in advance! :S
  2. S


    hi drag, I agree with SkiFletch. Rather than trying to upgrade your chiller, you should try to improve air circulation so get rid of heat from your lighting system. A few months back, I found this aquarium cooling fan on ebay and installed...
  3. S

    Lighting Causing Temperature Rise

    What type of lights...and HOW close to the water are we talking? Can you prop up the lid a little and maybe put a fan near it to controll the temp, even put the fan on the same time that lights are on?